The FCC Code

The Falling Creek Code is a set of enduring traditional values that provides the framework for everything at camp.

I keep coming back to Falling Creek because I see value in Falling Creek’s purpose. Every summer, I see boys that are pushed beyond what they thought they could do and get to see them grow as a result. They come and have a tremendous amount of fun then leave ready to face the next year with newly gained skills and confidence while using the Falling Creek Code as their guide.

Tyler C. / 3 year counselor

Warrior Spirit

  • Live with courage
  • Always do your best
  • Strengthen your body, mind, and spirit
  • Persevere

Servant’s Heart

  • Follow the Golden Rule
  • Treat everyone with respect
  • Make friendship a fine art
  • Take initiative to help others

Positive Attitude

  • Be fun to be around
  • Live with enthusiasm
  • Focus on the positive
  • Be grateful for God’s blessings

Moral Compass

  • Do the right thing
  • Act with integrity
  • Take responsibility for your actions
  • Tell the truth

Live By The Code

Read our blog series, highlighting some of the amazing Falling Creek alumni who continue to “Live by the Code,” modeling these values in their daily lives.

My son came home raving about Falling Creek. Everything from leadership, his cabin counselors and cabin mates to the abundance of in camp activities and trips. He remarked several times that he really liked and appreciates the Creed and the FCC Code being taken seriously by all, as well as the camaraderie that your camp builds in a short 4 weeks. As a mother from the Midwest that teaches her Catholic children to walk the path of Christ in kindness, but not to walk in blind faith, I was incredibly impressed with his appreciation of the spiritual aspect of camp. Thank you so much for all your leadership, planning and execution of an incredible program for building strong, kind young men.

Nicole - Chicago, IL

Equipp(ED GE)ntlemen

Falling Creek is a game-changer for boys, giving them an edge by offering a supportive, impactful experience that a young man carries with him for a lifetime. Summer camp is an opportunity to make exciting choices, build confidence and character, gain skills, and develop lifelong friendships. Backpacking trips into the mountains, sailing, sleeping under the stars, tennis, basketball, kayaking on the Green River - all help build strong bonds and equip young men with principled character to last a lifetime.

Camp is a place where everyone helps, tries their best, and does the right thing. We ask each camper and staff member to live by the Falling Creek Code every day.

Yates Pharr / Director

A Window Into Boys Camp

Mountain Climbing & Character

We couldn’t do the things we do at camp without the fine college-aged men on our staff who inspire the next generation of great and Godly men. We look for trustworthiness, maturity, and a strong sense of personal responsibility, because it’s character traits like these that encourage and inspire the boys to do things they never thought possible.