Early 1990s Photos

The header photo above shows a young Simon Wilson in 1990, proudly driving his then-new tractor. That tractor (and Simon) are both still working hard at camp, though Simon has luckily been upgraded to a second new orange tractor.


What’s summer camp without a few harmless pranks?

Though Simon was regularly known as the king of pranks, he certainly wasn’t the only one with some tricks up his sleeve. Robert Kirby shared this photo with the caption:

I was brand new to camp. I had been there maybe 3 weeks when Bill Wilson and John Stephens ask can they put my car in the dining hall because it was the only one that would fit through the doors. After they promised that I would not get in trouble, I gave them the keys. Breakfast was interesting that morning. The retaining wall that is outside those doors today wasn’t there then. Donnie Bain’s response? ‘Well, you could have washed it first.’


The above photos feature Allen Kannapell on the left, a paddling instructor at Falling Creek. Owner and director Chuck McGrady is seen in the center at the Yak Shak. On the right is Director Donnie Bain, hard at work.


Falling Creek Staff photo (left) from Rick and Emily Broad’s wedding.

1990s Camp Projects

Miller Lodge, the Climbing Wall, and Iolaire

The early 1990s saw many camp projects, building several structures we still use frequently today. In the photos above, you can see the initial frame and foundation of the Miller Lodge, dedicated in 1994 to our founder Jim Miller, whose family still owns and operates nearby Camp Greystone.

Today we gather in the upper lodge for rainy day activities and the H.E.A.T. (High Energy Action Training). The lower level of the lodge houses our Arts and Crafts programming, Pottery, and our Woodshop.

In the far right photo above, you can see Iolaire as it looked after it’s 1990s renovations.

To the left, you will see the 40 foot climbing wall, which today is covered and has a “U” shaped design to allow for dry climbing, even in the rain.