Where each day is better than the last
Daily Schedule

Falling Creek is a sleepaway summer camp for boys in North Carolina. We offer a balanced program with six structured instructional activities and two free choice periods daily during the weekdays. At any time in our June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions, boys can sign up for trips out of camp, ranging from short afternoon trips or overnights, to 3, 4, or even 5 day adventures in the back-country. If boys decide to go on a trip, they simply leave their scheduled activities behind, and plug back into their schedule when they return. This is a bit different in Junior Camp, where boys rotate to activities with their cabin.
Morning Watch
Starting each day at the peaceful Morning Watch chapel has been a tradition at Falling Creek from the beginning. After the wakeup bell and cabin clean up, campers and counselors silently gather in the chapel overlooking the lake. After a few minutes of quiet, hearing only the sounds of nature, a staff member delivers the message for the day. The topic of Morning Watch is up to person speaking that day, but is typically a personal story, a reflection on a Christian Bible verse, or a quote related to one of the four pillars of the Falling Creek Code.

Morning Watch
Breakfast/Morning Assembly
1st Activity
2nd Activity
3rd Activity

Free Swim/Free Choice
Rest Hour
4th Activity
5th Activity
6th Activity
Free Swim/Free Choice

Evening Program
Milk & Cookies
Call to Quarters
Evening Embers followed by Lights Out. Whew! What a Day!
Taps/Camp is silent

When he leaves camp reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing Christian songs from memory, I am really impressed with what you are doing for this young man. I am absolutely positive that memories of Falling Creek will be with him his whole life.
Rob Hoyerman / Parent
Weekend Schedule
During the weekends in our June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions, we take a break from our regular schedules to enjoy a more relaxed pace at camp. On Saturdays we play all-camp-games for Green and Gold points, compete in tournaments, and go on one overnight a session as a cabin. Sundays are like a reset button for the week, with more time to reflect at Church and Campfire. Falling Creek is a Christian camp, but we are non-denominational and our church service is centered around common values that are important for everyone, no matter your specific faith background. We think the Campfire Area is one of the most beautiful settings to enjoy God’s creation as a community of friends. There’s also more time to clean for cabin inspections (and ice-cream sundaes after!) and more time to try new things with Special-Signups.
For details on the schedule during Junior Camp, check out our Junior Camp Program page.

Morning Watch
Breakfast & Morning Assembly
Tournaments & Special Activities
Rest Hour

All Camp Game
Free Swim/Free Choice
Epic Evening Program
Milk & Cookies
Call to Quarters
Evening Embers/Lights Out
Taps/Camp is silent
Cabin Cleanup
Cabin Inspection
Free Choice/Free Swim

Lunch & Ice Cream Sundaes
Rest Hour
Special Sign-up Activities
Supper (may be a cookout)
Call to Quarters
Evening Embers/Lights Out
Taps/Camp is Silent
Play All Day!
What’s camp like? Check out this highlight video from our first week of Main Camp in 2021!
More 2021 Videos