Pre-Camp Checklist

1.) Watch the Pre-Camp Checklist video available on the Videos section of our website.

2.) Read the information in the Parent Handbook carefully, available on the Parents section of the website.

3.) Familiarize yourself with your family CampInTouch account and the Campanion app. Download the Campanion app from the app store.

4.) Complete the following required online forms in your CampInTouch account or using the Campanion App, by the due dates:

  • Online Health Form (includes allergy, medical, and dietary information)
  • Online Travel Form (required for all campers, includes information about trunk shipping)

5.) DOWNLOAD and PRINT the following barcoded/faxback forms from your CampInTouch account, or using the Campanion app. Scan and email, upload (to CampInTouch or Campanion app), or fax completed forms to 828.333.5507, by the due date (no cover pages needed - for multiple sons,forms include a barcode include a barcode unique to each camper).

  • Physician’s Examination Form-1 page (Please use our form as it meets our accreditation standards-to be completed by physician-must be current within 1 year-immunization records not required)
  • Insurance & Authorization Form-1 page (parent signature required authorizing medical treatment if necessary; copy insurance cards onto form, not separately-should only be 1 page)

6.) If your son will take medication(s) at camp, please read and follow the instructions in the Medical Information section of the Parent Handbook, regarding packaging and bringing medications to camp. Compliance with our medication policy and process is required for all medications taken on a daily basis, whether prescription or over-the-counter. “As needed” medications are also discussed in the Medical Information section. We appreciate your mandatory compliance with our policy.

7.) Review the packing list or visit the What to Bring to Camp section of the website.

8.) Label all personal items with the camper’s first and last name, including clothes, shoes, towels, pillows, pillowcases, trunks, backpacks, and gear.

9.) Please review the Parent Handbook and the Parent Information topics within the Parents section of the website for answers to questions you or your son may have about camp. Your camper can also browse our Camper Q&A Section.

10.) Cell phones, smart watches, iPods/other music players, and any other electronics are not allowed to be brought to camp. Non-internet accessible cameras and GoPros may be brought to camp. Label everything. Falling Creek Camp is not responsible for lost items including cameras, GoPros, or watches.

11.) Inform family and friends of our Mail, Package, and Visitation policies

12.) Follow us on Instagram (@fallingcreek), Facebook (Falling Creek Camp), TikTok (@fallingcreekcamp), YouTube, and LinkedIn. Subscribe to the Blog for daily updates from camp during your son’s session.

13.) Please call (828.692.0262) or email ( us regarding any concerns or questions.

Note: To access the CampInTouch system for forms and account information, go to the My FCC section and login using your camp system email and password. Contact Falling Creek Camp if you do not have a login or if you get locked out of your account.