Camper Q&A
Can I Call Home?

Falling Creek is a technology-free zone, so no one has their cellphones or computers. This lets us unplug and enjoy the camp community in the moment.
You won’t be able to use a phone, but if you want to let your parents know what you’ve been up to at camp, you can write them letters. Your family and friends would love to hear from you, and you can send letters to them by putting them in the mail slot under the camp store window. If you run out of letters or stamps, you can always get more in the camp store. Your counselor will be happy to help you address your letter if you aren’t sure how. Rest hour after lunch is a perfect time to write letters.
Your counselor will bring your mail to your cabin after lunch each day, so you will be able to get letters back from family and friends too. If your parents, family, or friends write to you it usually takes three days for it to arrive, so don’t worry if you don’t get any mail on the first few days of camp.