Video Archives
Click for Current Videos On YouTube1989 Falling Creek Camp Movie
Our full-length movie from 1989
Why Falling Creek?
Rewatch our “why camp” video from 2013
2001 Falling Creek Camp Movie
Our full-length movie from 2001
Parents’ Point of View 2009
Parents’ point of view on the benefits of summer camp, and the positive impact it has on their children. Video from 2009.
A Window Into Camp: An Enduring Adventure
Once a camper who had never been paddling, and now the head of the paddling program, Taylor Barker is just one of many boys who came to camp with wide eyes and great expectations. Camp is a safe and encouraging environment for boys to grow in, and they do grow…
A Window Into Camp: Rock Climbing & Character
We couldn’t do the things we do at camp without the fine college-aged men on our staff who inspire the next generation of great and Godly men. We look for trustworthiness, maturity, and a strong sense of personal responsibility, because it’s character traits like these that encourage and inspire the boys to do things they never thought possible.
A Window Into Camp: EquippED GEntleman
Boys come to camp for adventure and a chance to play out in the woods. Little do they know that we have invested thousands of hours of preparation, thoughtful planning and staff training to make sure every moment of the summer builds character, fosters growth, and challenges them to become the men God intends them to be.
2013 Falling Creek Camp Movie
Our full-length movie from 2013
2015 Falling Creek Camp Movie
Our full-length movie from 2015
What’s it really like to work at Falling Creek?
A funny video for staff, filmed back in 2009
Apply today!A Window Into Camp: An Opportunity to Think
North Carolina is an excellent place to go adventuring! But, beyond the obvious fun, why is this important to us at Falling Creek? Boys need time away – from technology, from competition, from the fast paced life that has become “normal.” So, when was the last time your son had time to think?