Camper Q&A

What’s the First Day of Camp Like?

What should you expect on Opening Day?

See what the first day of summer camp is like, through the eyes of a first-year camper!

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Opening Day at camp has been described as “the summer version of Christmas morning”! It’s the exciting day that we’ve all been waiting for, whether it’s your first summer or your fifteenth. When you arrive at camp that morning, you’ll drive up the gravel road, greeted by several of our friendly counselors and directors. We will meet you at the Overlook to take your trunk and deliver it to your cabin while you park. That’s also when you’ll finally find out what cabin you’re in and who your counselor is! From there, the fun is just beginning!

You will first head to your cabin to meet your counselors. You’ll have time to unpack and get settled in later, but right after arriving we’ll start playing some fun games and getting to know each other in the gym and on the field! If you haven’t been to camp before, the counselors will help lead you to where the games are happening, so you can get plugged in right away.

Once everyone has arrived, we’ll have our first Opening Day meeting as a big camp community, and then enjoy a hearty lunch - your first meal with your new cabin! In the afternoon, we’ll rotate through some activities with your cabin groups, including meeting the nurses, cooling off in the lake for your swim check, and possibly the most exciting part: choosing your six daily activities!