Early 2000s Photos

The banner photo above shows the 2005 Falling Creek staff. Note the Camp Merrie Woode sign… counselors from the two camps enjoyed trading friendly pranks over the summers.

On the left is the 2005 “5 Year Dinner” group photo.

In the photo on the right, John Bates (left) and Bo Rainbow (right) seen in the old “Hidden Valley” barn. Today after years as a camper and counselor, John is our Director of Staff & Camper Development.

Above, the far right photo shows Simon Wilson holding a tarantula from the Nature Hut in 2002. Simon is still involved at Falling Creek today, as a key member of the facilities team and full time caretaker of our camp horses.

On the right, the 2003 mountian biking staff outside of Moab (our mountain bike hut) before it was renovated and expanded. Third from right is Ben Williams, our current Director of Outdoor Programs.

Above on the far left is the Honor Council presenting their annual quote plaque. In the center is the 2001 plaque of 7+ year campers and staff. On the far right is Donnie and Kim Bain in the Program Office in 2005. Their son Johnathan also worked at Falling Creek for years and can be seen in the photo to the right, second from the left.

The Main Camp soccer team in 2001, after beating nearby Camp Arrowhead in a friendly tournament.