Camper Leadership Programs
F.L.I.N.T. and S.T.E.E.L.
Developing Young Leaders:
At Falling Creek, we pride ourselves in being able to create opportunities for young men to develop leadership skills. As campers mature, responsibility around camp and opportunities for leadership increase. For our rising 11th and 12th grade campers, we have two leadership programs, created to build off of their existing camp experience, and help transition them towards college, work, or returning as a counselor at Falling Creek.
Why should teenage boys keep coming back to camp? Check out this blog about the teenage experience at camp, or this blog about how camp grows with you.
Why You Never Outgrow CampI learned that I have the ability to influence others and how to use that influence for good.
Billy P. / 2023 Man of STEEL

Forging Leaders INTentionally
FLINT is for boys who have completed 10th grade. Campers in this age group are still regular campers with the freedom to sign up for the activities or trips of their choice. They may continue to work on their progressions in various activities, including leadership components for the rank of Ranger or Warrior. Components of the FLINT program are intentionally designed to foster leadership, service, responsibility, and teamwork. They include:
- Mentoring with their FLINT leaders and discussing leadership development
- Leadership role in planning special events
- Opportunities to create a lesson or lead an activity, to gain communication and professional skills
- Special day trip for FLINT group
- Induction Ceremony
- Serving milk and cookies to camp community after evening programs
- Building and tending the community campfire for Sunday night campfires
- FLINT campers are eligible to apply to the STEEL program for the following summer
FLINT campers are eligible to apply to the STEEL program for the following summer. This program is not just so that campers can grow into future staff members, but focused more on campers growing into future leaders in any career path.
There were four years between my last year as a campers and my first year as a CIT (now called Men of STEEL). I have vivid a memory of sitting at Morning Watch staring up at the trees. It was so surreal, I couldn’t believe that I was back in this place but older and now exploring this new role in the community as CIT. As much fun as being a camper was, nothing compared to what it was like being a counselor to my boys.
Reed M. / Bowling Green, KY
I learned valuable leadership skills that I could use later in life. I realized that I absolutely love helping campers, seeing their happiness when they accomplish their goals.
Lex M. / 2023 Man of STEEL

Summer Training Encouraging Emerging Leaders
STEEL is our camper leadership program formerly known as Counselor-in-Training (CIT), which takes place during Main Camp. It is for former Falling Creek campers who have completed 11th grade. The selection process is highly competitive and space is limited. It is an honor to be selected to join the STEEL program and marks the final summer as a FCC camper. Not all applicants will be offered spaces.
STEEL is intentionally designed to foster leadership, service, responsibility, and teamwork. Here are a few highlights:
- Applicants go through a selection process similar to a job interview.
- Selection is limited to a small program size.
- Participants live together in a cabin with their peers and an experienced counselor.
- Experiencing an induction ceremony.
- Evaluation with their STEEL mentors to monitor leadership development.
- Opportunities to gain hands-on leadership skills while assisting counselors in activities
- Training leadership, patience, and communication by working with younger campers in a cabin setting.
- Serving ice cream sundaes after lunch on Sundays.
- Taking a leadership role in planning an “all-camp” special event.
- Enjoying a weekly “day off” to bond with other STEEL participants and mentors.
After completion of the STEEL program, participants can return on staff as a member of our DASH program the following summer. DASH stands for “Developing A Servant’s Heart”, and is a staff employment opportunity for rising college freshmen.
Our DASH team work for 5 week blocks at either the first half or second half of the summer. They have a mix of responsibilities while working at camp, including kitchen shifts, activity teaching, and covering cabins. They have the opportunity to experience a different sort of work “behind-the-scenes” in the kitchen at camp, gain activity teaching experience, and learn what it means to be a cabin counselor before having their own cabin when they return as staff members again the following summer. You can find more information on becoming a member of DASH in our Staff section.
I realized I really enjoyed teaching and instructing others through that, but also being an older camper and being closer in age to counselors, I enjoyed getting to work alongside them more. I got to see how much fun they had together as staff, and I kind of got to be a part of that as an older camper.
John A. / Birmingham AL