
Keeping parents informed is very important to us. The directors are always available to discuss your son’s progress and share information about his camp experiences.
Whether you are new to Falling Creek or a veteran camp parent, explore our website to learn more about our program. We also encourage you to visit our staff site to learn more about what we look for in our counselors and how we recruit and select them. First-time families may also request more information online, if you are not familiar with our summer camp.
Parent Information
Review the topics below or download the Parent Handbook for information that will help you get ready for summer!
2025 Parent Handbook PDFCamper Expectations
Honor Creed
FCC Code
Dismissal Policy
Social Media Policy
Swim Skill Classification
What to Bring
Packing List
Pre-Camp Shopping
Laundry, Labels
Knives, Hammocks, Electronics
Staying in Touch
Mail & Phone
Email & Online Photos
Package Policy
Health Forms
Communication Regarding Medical Concerns
Health Insurance
Food, Nutrition, & Allergens
Over-the-Counter Medications
Nutritional Supplements

Historically, I would be a mother who would have the ‘guilty’ feeling of sending my son away for part of the summer. But after being on site during camp doc week and seeing/living/breathing the experiences, emotions, and attitudes of the campers, I can speak to the joy these boys are filled with and the sense of unity and freedom they have.
Megan L. / Charleston, South Carolina
Hi Mom & Dad!
Here’s a “postcard home video” from our 2021 2-Week session! Hello from camp!
More Videos
I cannot begin to thank you and your staff enough for everything you do. Our son’s experiences at Falling Creek taught him to overcome his fears and develop a confidence that will last a lifetime. Thank you so much!
Jim W. / Birmingham, Alabama