We Have

High Expectations

for Our Campers

So that everyone may have a sense of physical and emotional safety during their time at Falling Creek, we have specific rules that govern the way we treat people and property at camp and during camp activities. We expect all Falling Creek boys to be positive members of our camp community and abide by the Falling Creek Honor Creed and the Falling Creek Code. These are the expectations of being a part of this Falling Creek Camp community.

What Not to Bring to Camp

Bringing to camp or use of weapons; tobacco products; Juul, vape, and any other e-cigarette products; alcohol; drugs; or drug paraphernalia are grounds for dismissal from camp. Harassment, discriminatory words or actions, physical harm, use of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, theft or misuse of / damage to property, and disregarding instructions are all examples of behaviors that will lead to expulsion. The right is reserved by the Directors to dismiss any camper whose behavior is detrimental to the general welfare of the community. In such cases, no refund will be made.

Falling Creek Honor Creed

Believing that leadership, unselfishness, courage, honor, hope, loyalty, honesty, and fair play manifest themselves in the spirit of Falling Creek, we pledge our spirits, minds, and bodies to achieving these ideals.

The Falling Creek Code

  • Warrior Spirit
  • Servant’s Heart
  • Positive Attitude
  • Moral Compass

Bullying and Harassment

As outlined in our Parent and Staff Handbooks, Falling Creek Camp has a firm stance against all types of bullying. Bullying is repeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others with the intent to cause physical or emotional injury.

Bullying may sometimes rise to the level of harassment and will be governed by our harassment policies and corresponding corrective actions. Bullying is also a direct violation of the Falling Creek Camp Code. Examples of bullying may include; when one or more persons are excluded, teased, taunted, or put down by others with the intent to cause emotional injury; slandering, racist remarks, ridiculing or maligning a person or his or her family; non-verbal threatening gestures, insults or name-calling, constant criticisms, public reprimands, spreading rumors or gossiping, and other humiliating behavior or conduct with the intention of causing emotional injury.

Every person has the right to expect to have the best possible experience at camp, and by working together as a team to identify and manage bullying, we can help ensure that all campers and staff have a great summer at Falling Creek Camp.

Out of Camp Behavior

Bullying may also occur electronically through emails, text messaging, instant messaging, or other communication through social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. If a camper feels that he (or another camper/staff member) has been subject to bullying, whether during camp season or during the off-season, report the incident in the same manner as harassment or sexual harassment. Camp Leadership will address all incidents of bullying with a full investigation and appropriate corrective action will be taken where necessary.

Social Media Policy

Campers and staff may not post words, photos, or videos that may reflect negatively on camp, other campers, or staff members. It is each parent’s responsibility to monitor his/her son’s Facebook page and other social media outlets. We have staff guidelines regarding social media use and interaction with campers outside of camp. We cannot be responsible for staff/camper interaction outside of your camper’s camp session.

Please familiarize yourself with our Electronics Policy, Knife Policy, and Hammocks Policy in the What To Bring To Camp section of the website, or in your Parent Handbook.

Inclusion at Falling Creek Camp

At Falling Creek Camp, we believe that a diverse and inclusive community creates an environment in which we can all grow and become stronger.

Falling Creek strives to provide an open, supportive, and affirming community for boys and staff from all backgrounds, where they feel welcomed, included, and celebrated for who they are, without the pressure to be something or someone else. We recognize that diversity of backgrounds, races, cultures, ethnicities, religious beliefs, ideas, abilities, and sexual orientations contributes to a stronger community, enhancing growth, confidence, and loving acceptance that can be transferred to the world at large. We believe it is our responsibility to shepherd the journey of personal growth through love and adventure, helping each member of the Falling Creek community find their best self and celebrate their unique qualities, both at camp and beyond.

Falling Creek Camp is a boys’ summer camp for campers who identify and live as male, but we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its camp-administered programs, policies, admission, or scholarships.

Falling Creek’s Harrassment Policy prohibits intentional and unintentional harassment of any individual by another person on the basis of any protected classification including, but not limited to, race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, marital status, veteran status, sexual orientation, or age.

Swim Skill Classification

The swimming ability of each camper who is a “Green Swimmer” is assessed on Opening Day for the June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions. Campers who have previously classified as “Gold Swimmers” do not need to reclassify each year. Junior campers do not participate in a swim skill classification and wear life jackets at all times. Boys that demonstrate solid swimming skills will be classified as “Gold Swimmers” and those who need to work on their skills will be termed “Green Swimmers”.

To be considered a Gold Swimmer, the following criteria must be demonstrated:

1.) Jump feet first into water over the head, level off, and begin swimming.

2.) Swim 100 yards (4 lengths) in a strong manner using freestyle (front crawl). Turn onto back and swim 25 yards using an easy, resting elementary backstroke. No stopping or “doggie paddling” is allowed during the Swim Check. Swimming the entire distance does not automatically qualify as showing ability. After swimming the distance, an evaluation will be made whether solid skills have been demonstrated. Several factors are considered in the determining proficiency:

  • consistent stroke throughout the whole length of the swim
  • body level in the water
  • arms consistently clearing the water
  • consistent and continuous kick
  • continuous forward motion
  • exhaustion level by the end of the swim
  • demonstrate ability to rest when exhausted when on back

3.) Tread water for 5 minutes

Green Swimmers are required to take swimming instructuion as one of their six daily activities and are not eligible for out-of-camp sailing, paddling, and other water-related trips. Green Swimmers are able to participate in lake canoeing and free swim activities in camp, wearing PFDs.

Gold Swimmers are welcome to sign up for swimming as an activity period to improve their strokes, work on progressions, and have fun.