Shipping Luggage
Shipping Luggage
To Camp:
Luggage may be shipped to camp via UPS (1st choice) or FedEx. Additionally, Ship Camps is a company specializing in shipping of camp belongings (to camp only) and may be accessed via their website. Please send luggage a week to ten days prior to your son’s arrival so that it will be at camp on time.
Please Note: Our shipping address DIFFERS from our mailing address.
Ship to:
Camper Name
c/o Falling Creek Camp
816 Falling Creek Camp Road
Zirconia, NC 28790
From Camp:
We take luggage to Mail, Box & Pack at the end of a session to be shipped home. To expedite the process, make sure that you note this on the Online Travel Form, with address information. Please indicate which pieces of luggage are to be shipped as we match our records with those of Mail, Box & Pack.
Please Note: We cannot save boxes for items to be shipped.
Contact Mail Box & Pack online at www.mailboxandpack.com (select Camp Shipping) to arrange for pre-payment for shipping. Please do not send pre-paid shipping labels to camp.
How To Pack?
Before shipping luggage, you have to pack it first! We’ve shared packing lists and tips on this page, and our staff have shared their favorite packing tips in this blog.
What to bring to camp