Camp Activities & Progressions
Falling Creek offers nearly 30 activities, from in-camp to out-of-camp programs, and numerous special signup activities.
They range from a 50-minute period in camp, to 4-and 5-day adventures off property. Scroll to the bottom to see all the activities offered!
Camp Grows With You
What do the boys think about the progression system?
Campers are able to choose the activities that interest them and pursue their own goals at camp. The challenge level grows as they gain skills and confidence, with progressions based on ability rather than age.
Activity Progression
Falling Creek’s camp-wide progression system gives campers the opportunity to build confidence as they advance through five levels in each activity. Each level has a set of criteria a camper must complete in order to advance in an activity. The levels are skill-based with leadership and service components. The names assigned to each level are:
- Level 1 : Scout
- Level 2 : Explorer
- Level 3 : Challenger
- Level 4 : Ranger
- Level 5 : Warrior
Activity counselors chart the campers’ progress. Some levels can be achieved in a few days, while some may take several summers to complete. Campers who reach Ranger and Warrior are recognized on the Hall of Fame board on the side porch of the Dining Hall. Campers do not work on progressions during the Junior Camp session.
When a camper progresses through these activity levels, collecting Waypoints and achieving Warrior in activities, he has the chance to become a Journeyman. A Journeyman is a camper who has attained Warrior - the highest level of a program - in at least three different activities and consistently demonstrates that he lives by the FCC Code. During Main Camp, Journeymen can attempt to earn the coveted status of Keeper of the Flame.

Activities Offered at Camp
Boys at Falling Creek choose their activities and set goals for skill progression and mastery.
During the June, Main, and 2-Week Camp sessions your son will choose six activities to make up his daily schedule (see Junior Camp session Activities, below). Some activities use multiple activity periods as noted. Horseback Riding, for example, is 2 periods, which leaves 4 periods for other activities. Your son will work with counselors, activity leaders, and program directors, to create a customized activity schedule on Opening Day. Campers have an opportunity to adjust their schedules each week. Activities work a bit differently in our Junior Camp.

Camp Activities:
(not all activities may be listed)
Arts and Crafts
Backpacking Trips
Blacksmithing (ages 10+)
Climbing Wall
Cross Country
Disc Golf
Spin Fishing
Fly Fishing (3 period block)
Flag Football
Horseback Riding (2 period block)
Mountain Biking
Outdoor Skills Certified
Paddling (canoe/kayak)
Rock Climbing
Sailing (3 period block)
The HEAT (Fitness)
Ultimate Frisbee

Outdoor Adventure Activities
Falling Creek’s outdoor adventure program offers opportunities for campers to experience activities they may not be able to do at home in the areas of backpacking, mountain biking, river kayaking and canoeing, and rock climbing. Campers participate in “preps”, in-camp, for an area of interest to qualify them to be able to sign-up for adventures in and out-of-camp. Adventures may be one day or multiple days with camping throughout beautiful western North Carolina and beyond. Campers progress in the adventure activities based on their skill development and trips are designed for different skill levels.
Preps and trips are announced regularly and campers who sign up will opt out of their regularly scheduled activities during the time they are participating in the outdoor adventure. The boys learn about outdoor adventure opportunities on the first day of camp and are encouraged to try something new. Many boys discover a lifelong passion for a sport by participating in the adventure program!

Junior Camp Session Activities
Junior Camp session campers follow a structured schedule with their counselors and cabinmates consisting of over 15 traditional camp activities throughout the week.
Theme Days
Each session has Theme Day(s) designated for some extra fun! Campers may bring clothing items or small “props” to camp with them for Theme Day dress-up, but it’s optional. Some campers and staff make do with items they find or create at camp. You can read some of our blogs about previous theme days here! Theme Days for 2024 will be:
- June Camp: Western and Olympics
- Main Camp: Olympics, Renaissance, and 80’s Neon Invasion
- 2-Week Camp: Pirate Day