Camper Q&A

What If I Get Sick? (Or Homesick?)

All of our counselors and staff will help you if you are feeling sick. Just let your counselor know that you don’t feel well, and they will take you to see the nurse. All of our nurses live in a cabin called the Infirmary. It’s in the middle of camp, so you are never far. We also have a doctor who lives at camp. Our camp nurses and doctor are here to keep you healthy and having a great time at camp!

If you take medicine at breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you will get it from the nurse’s table before the meal. If you take medicine at bedtime, you will go to the Infirmary for your medicine after you get ready for bed.

You might also like to know that a lot of campers get a little homesick and it is completely normal to feel that way. Even counselors get homesick.

  • Please tell your counselor or another staff member if you are missing home. They will be able to help, and are there to talk to you if you have any concerns.
  • The easiest way to get rid of homesickness is to stay busy! Having fun at camp will help you forget about being homesick.
  • Before you come to camp, practice being away from home. For example, you can stay overnight at a friend’s house or at your grandparents.

Don’t worry, once you’ve been at camp for a couple days, you’ll be having so much fun that you’ll forget about even being homesick!