Finding Your Way

The Waypoint System

What are Waypoints?

In navigation, they are a set of coordinates that represent a fixed location, or an objective along a planned course in one’s journey. Falling Creek developed the Waypoints tradition so campers and staff can pursue intentional objectives throughout their journey. Progression is not age restrictive as the boys are able and encouraged to pursue advancement based on their interest.

There are Waypoints for each person’s unique course at Falling Creek, from campers to staff members. Currently, progression Waypoints can be earned in nearly 50 activities and specialty awards. Achievements will be rewarded with Waypoint Markers at the end of each session that can proudly be displayed on a frame-worthy base map of Falling Creek’s campus.

New campers and staff will receive a map after their first summer. These Waypoints are highly sought after by campers and staff alike. We encourage the boys to challenge themselves to progress in the many activities offered at Falling Creek Camp.

Below is an example map with Waypoints from a theoretical camper who progressed from camper to staff member over his years at Falling Creek.

Scout Badge Achievements

Scouting America (formerly Boy Scouts of America) Merit Badges Information - Falling Creek does not provide direct support of Scouting America merit badge achievement however, we can help with the following:

  • Yates is happy to sign off on overnight campouts since they are a part of regular camp programming. Your son may present Yates with the dates of his overnights and Yates can approve them.
  • Some troops will give credit to boys for demonstrated proficiency in particular badge achievement areas—or if they believe the boys performed the activities at camp—it may vary by area. We are happy to provide the details of progressions for any activities your son may be trying to get sign off on.