Remarkable Richmond

Jay and Nancy Jordan hosted the Falling Creek Camp Movies and Reunion tonight at their beautiful home. Jay and Yates met at camp in the early 80’s and have remained good friends ever since. Their son, John, is also a camper.

Camp friendships are some of the strongest!Camp friendships are some of the strongest!

Falling Creek movie show

The boys could not wait to get some games in before the movie showing.

Falling Creek Campers, boys who came to learn more about FCC, alumni, staff, and dads who have attended Father/Son Weekends, joined together for a group shot.

Harrison Kilgore, standing to the right of Yates in the photo below, took time out of his busy school schedule as a Law student at UVA to drive over and see the Richmond families. Harrison was an FCC camper, counselor, and two-time Tribal Leader.

Falling Creek Richmond Movie show

The Richmond area families enjoy watching the brand new camp movie outside on the Jordan’s back porch.

Falling Creek Richmond Movie Show

Falling Creek Richmond Movie Show After the movie, Yates led a discussion about Falling Creek and what makes camp such an amazingly positive experience.