Your Gift Matters

This time of year is all about giving. We have 3 amazing opportunities for you to give to Falling Creek campers and staff.

American Camp Association (ACA) Campership

These funds generously provide campership opportunities for boys whom Falling Creek would otherwise be out of reach. Your gift will make it possible for boys from around the country to benefit from the Falling Creek experience.

Western North Carolina Counties Campership

In 1992 a scholarship fund was established by Director Emeritus Chuck McGrady through the Community Foundation of Henderson County. This scholarship allows boys from several western North Carolina counties, who otherwise would be unable to attend a camp, the opportunity to share in the Falling Creek Camp experience.

It Only Takes a Spark Fund

This grant program has been established to provide Falling Creek staff members resources and support to positively impact others beyond the summer months. Through an application process, the selection committee awards funding from $250 – $1,000 per project for various work around the world. Recipients demonstrate “Servant’s Heart”, one of the four pillars of The Falling Creek Code. The fund is set up through a partnership with The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina. We have highlighted two of our It Only Takes a Spark recipients from last year in past blogs; From a Spark to a Flame and It Only Takes a Spark.

If you would like to support any of the camperships or funds above, you can contribute online or mail in your contribution. To learn more or for corresponding addresses and links to give to, please click here.