Technology Free at camp

If your boy is like most in this generation of children, he probably spends a lot of his day engaged in technology. Texting his friends during dinner, playing the hot new game on the car ride to school, and Snapchatting or Instagraming silly photos.


Research shows that children these days spend up to 7.5 hours each day with their eyes stuck to a screen and their fingers tapping away at the keyboard. Cyber bullying is quickly growing on social media as children find a screen to hide behind. These days, your boy(s) may have 1,000 + friends or followers on social media, but are slowly losing the ability to walk up to someone and shake their hand or settle conflict in a responsible and socially acceptable way. Social Media is not necessarily a bad thing though; many of us use social media to keep in touch with friends and family and share exciting events that are taking place in our lives.

At Falling Creek Camp, we disconnect our campers and staff from the distractions of social media, texting, and Instagramming. Campers are asked to leave their cellphones at home or turn them into the Program Office if they flew to camp. Some campers may think this is impossible to go three or four weeks without a phone. However, as they divulge into the many activities and trips that Falling Creek has to offer, they quickly forget about their “need” for technology and begin to interact with others in a meaningful way. Many campers will even pick-up a pen and paper and write home, which is a lost art for this quickly evolving generation.


Being technology-free also allows for campers to grow socially. No more hiding behind a screen or texting a friend, but actually carrying on a conversation with them. Our counselors also find time each evening to engage in one-on-one conversation with each of their boys to make sure they are enjoying camp and what they love or would want to change about camp to ensure that they are really having a great experience.
As a parent, you can find comfort in the fact that while your child is away, they’ll be learning valuable life skills that don’t involve how many words they can text a minute, or how many likes they can get on their Instagram picture. The skills they will learn while they are unplugged will stay with them for a lifetime!