
Wow! There were many boys who came to tonights Falling Creek camp Movies and Reunion in Charleston, SC. A special thanks to Catherine and Clay McCullough for managing the group and the evening and also a big thank you to Beezer and Emily Molten for hosting the event in their Half-Moon Outfitters big store in West Ashley.

What a great group of boys who are thinking about coming to camp, veterans, staff, alumni, and dads who went to Father/Son Weekend!What a great group of boys who are thinking about coming to camp, veterans, staff, alumni, and dads who went to Father/Son Weekend!

l to r: Harper K, Rodgers M., Harry Titus, Andrew Maddox, Spivey W, Dr. Steven Feingold, Bennett B, and Yatesl to r: Harper K, Rodgers M., Harry Titus, Andrew Maddox, Spivey W, Dr. Steven Feingold, Bennett B, and Yates

It was a real treat for the boys to climb before we huddled up to talk about camp and show the updated camp movie.It was a real treat for the boys to climb before we huddled up to talk about camp and show the updated camp movie.

Enjoying some pizza with friends.Enjoying some pizza with friends.

Yates asked the parents in the room to raise their hand if they went to a camp growing up. Lots of hands are up!Yates asked the parents in the room to raise their hand if they went to a camp growing up. Lots of hands are up!

The boys and parents enjoyed watching the updated camp movie tonight.The boys and parents enjoyed watching the updated camp movie tonight.