Our Nation's Capital

Yates made his way north to Alexandria, VA where Jane and Jason Spence hosted the Washington, DC area Falling Creek Camp Movies and Reunion at their wonderful home. Their sons, Campbell and Parker, were a tremendous help to Yates tonight.

The boys and dads who have attended Father/Son Weekends joined with FCC alumni for a fantastic group photo. David Ritchey, 7th from left in the back row, was a camper in Yates’ cabin at FCC in the late 80’s and is now thrilled to be sharing his Falling Creek experience with both of his sons.The boys and dads who have attended Father/Son Weekends joined with FCC alumni for a fantastic group photo. David Ritchey, 7th from left in the back row, was a camper in Yates’ cabin at FCC in the late 80’s and is now thrilled to be sharing his Falling Creek experience with both of his sons.

Camp friends enjoying some pizza before watching the updated camp movie.Camp friends enjoying some pizza before watching the updated camp movie.

Many thanks to the Spence Family for the campy atmosphere including good community and sharing a fire on a cool evening.Many thanks to the Spence Family for the campy atmosphere including good community and sharing a fire on a cool evening.

There were a number of boys who came tonight to learn more about Falling Creek, and Yates is very appreciative of the veteran campers and parents who helped him share why they love FCC.There were a number of boys who came tonight to learn more about Falling Creek, and Yates is very appreciative of the veteran campers and parents who helped him share why they love FCC.