Homesteading on the Archery Range

Our new raised beds for the F.A.R.M. program at Falling Creek Camp.Our new raised beds for the F.A.R.M. program at Falling Creek Camp.

Falling Creek Camp is pleased to announce a new activity that will be introduced to campers of all ages in the summer of 2016. We will have the opportunity to plant and harvest vegetables, tend to chickens and egg collection, create by repurposing materials, construct habitats, influence our footprint on the environment, and experiment with different composting methods, including black soldier flies, farming worms, and in vessel tumblers– all of this and more will be covered in our new activity focusing on homesteading skills.

The transformation of our activity area has involved relocating archery to a new structure next to riflery. This allows us to keep the target sports together and utilize the flat, open ground that the old range offers for raised beds and sunshine. Both activities will be in short walking distance to all of the other exciting programs offered at camp.

Relocated Archery range at Falling Creek Camp.Relocated Archery range at Falling Creek Camp.

Picking up some compost from Danny’s Dumpster for our raised beds. Danny’s Dumpster is a local business that has been our composting and recycling partner for many years.Picking up some compost from Danny’s Dumpster for our raised beds. Danny’s Dumpster is a local business that has been our composting and recycling partner for many years.

Our new F.A.R.M. program will focus on the words that make up the fitting acronym – Food. Animals. Repurposing. Manpower. The tasks and responsibilities each day will engage the boys with hands-on work and strengthen their connection we have with food. They will participate in projects and learn transferable skills that we can all add to our everyday lives. Those involved in this program will surely leave with an appreciation of sustainable living and quite possibly dirty hands.