Survey Says: What Families are Saying about Falling Creek

What’s the Parent Perspective on Summer Camp?

Hear what families are saying about Falling Creek, from the best parts to the things they would change.

What was the greatest value your son gained at camp?

Camper riding mountain biking trails at Falling Creek Camp.

  • “Independence. Achievement. Self-confidence. Social skills.”
  • “Over the years our son has become very invested in the FCC Code. In fact, he based his boarding school admissions essay on the code.”
  • “Spiritual nourishment”
  • “Learning to sail which he had never done before – camp is always a great time to learn new things that we have less access to at home.”
  • “I appreciate the emphasis on moral compass.”
  • “Being a part of a brotherhood of boys/young men who all wanted the same experience for each other and accomplished that in many ways.”
  • “Being more helpful to others – we hear a lot about Servant’s Heart”
  • “A willingness to try things outside of his comfort zone.”

Campers at Falling Creek Camp learning to farm in raised beds.

  • “This year, it was the break from anxiety over high school and social media while returning to nature.”
  • “The freedom to be unplugged, outdoors and just have silly boy fun with new friends.”
  • “He said this year it really “clicked” for him…our role in this world in relationship to God and those around us.”
  • “Confidence in trying new activities. Since we live in an apartment building in a large city (Cairo, Egypt), it was so good for him to experience the great outdoors with other boys.”
  • “Maturity, increased confidence”
  • “Warrior Spirit”
  • “The confidence to be away from home and grow in an all-boys camp.”
  • “Sense of freedom, independence—away from parents, technology and heat.”
  • “Setting goals and working diligently to meet them.”
  • “Learned confidence and perseverance”
  • “Learned the value of honesty in sporting events.”

Climbing Wall tower at Falling Creek Camp.

  • “Time away from electronics, school friends, time pressures of regular life”
  • “Independence and the opportunity to make their own choices”
  • “Our son worked very hard to get his warrior level in archery and soccer. He was determined, deliberate and conscientious!”
  • “Belief in himself”
  • “Only child gets to be around other boys in a close environment for a month.”
  • “Met good friends, nice boys, learned to be more independent, developed more leadership skills.”
  • “We love to see him grow in independence. His most meaningful value gained was the FCC code.”
  • “Independence, leadership and positive attitude”
  • “Confidence doing the ironman”

Camper group smiling at Falling Creek Camp.

  • “Independence, activities, meeting new friends and mentors”
  • “Helpfulness”
  • “He loved all he learned on his backpacking trips and practicing the respect of nature”
  • “Working hard to achieve goals, ie: getting his yack-let.”
  • “Away from parents, screens and everyday life in a beautiful place with adventures and challenges”
  • “It was the perfect environment for our son to learn how to get along with others. We are happy that he speaks so highly of Falling Creek each and every day. You do a wonderful job hiring the best counselors and staff members. I feel that Falling Creek is a wonderful family to be part of.”
  • “Independence and respect”
  • “Independence-being out of his brother’s shadow. Confidence and peer interaction”
  • “A willingness to try things outside of his comfort zone”
  • “Leadership, energy, self awareness, group work”
  • “Learning to persist in the face of challenges”

If you could change or add one thing to improve your son’s experience at Falling Creek, what would it be?

Campers on our Roller Coaster at Falling Creek Camp. It goes into the lake!

  • “A little more guidance for the boys when choosing activities to encourage them to try more new things vs. repeating.”
  • “More opportunities for blacksmithing and woodworking.”
  • “I do not know if there is anything specific. My boys both loved the new camp games especially game they are calling “Call of Duty”. Ryan also really loved FARM. So what I take from this, is that they love all of the traditional items but are up for a few new surprises.”
  • “Make it longer!!! :-)”
  • “Our son would love to see more Fly Fishing excursions being offered.”
  • “He had an awesome time at camp and only expressed that it was over too quick.”
  • “A bit more information prior to camp on the waypoint system”
  • “More opportunities to be a leader for younger campers.”
  • “More days – signing up for Main Camp next year!”
  • “Encourage him to take more risk with his class schedule. Go on more overnights”
  • “Longer session!”
  • “Not a thing”
  • “A bit more encouragement to try new things.”

What’s your son’s favorite thing about camp?

Campers playing Lacrosse at Falling Creek Camp.

  • “Returning! He loves everything outdoors.”
  • “Camaraderie of boys-wonderful friendships made.”
  • “Keeper of the Flame experience, being with friends”
  • “Being in the woods”
  • “Learning to play the Ukulele.”
  • “Great counselors, rock climbing trips”
  • “He liked the three-day hike even though it was hard. He also said that everyone in his cabin was nice. :-)”
  • “I think he likes handling things himself the most. There is a safety net, but not his parents”
  • “He loved many different things but if I had to pick one I think it would be his cabin counselors and CIT. He loved blacksmithing.”
  • “Camp is like a second family. He has a blast.”

What’s your son’s least favorite thing about camp?

Mom and Dad: Let your son help pack his trunk and prepare for camp. Talking with him about going to camp and how he feels is a helpful way to make sure he will have a successful time at camp.

  • “He says the swim classification!”
  • “4 weeks wasn’t enough”
  • “Leaving on closing day”
  • “Getting stung by a yellow jacket! That is literally the only thing he did not like.”
  • “Not having enough time to do all the activities”
  • “Nothing – he loves every minute of it!”

Would you recommend Falling Creek to friends with camp-age boys?

100% of families who completed a survey said yes!