Weekends are a chance for us to take a break from the regular routine of camp. On Saturdays we play plenty of games, with tournaments in the mornings and an all-camp-game in the afternoon. This week’s all-camp-game was deep woods capture the flag, where Green and Gold teams each get a half of camp to hide and defend their flag in. The teams played so hard that during the two rounds, each team won once! The tournaments held in the morning included dodgeball, soccer, Magic (a card strategy game), and ping pong. For those that preferred not to participate in tournaments, there were other options available like drawing at arts and crafts or playing games under the Dining Hall.
For some campers though, Sundays are the day they look forward to most. The general feel of the day is a little more relaxed and reverent at camp, as we are able to go at a slower pace and savor our surroundings. To start things off, everyone sleeps in an extra hour before being treated to Sunday breakfast – including Krispy Kreme doughnuts that get delivered to camp that morning! Any day that begins with doughnuts is destined to be a good day.
Sundays are like a reset button for the rest of the week, and after playing hard all hours of the day, we use Sundays to clean up and refresh for the week ahead. Boys have to keep their cabins clean for morning inspections each day, but on Sunday they are given extra time to catch up on cleaning, especially because their trunks have to be open and ready for inspection by the Directors and Line Heads. This helps practice responsibility, and keep everyone accountable for maintaining their own cleanliness and health. Everyone takes turns with sweeping, cleaning the bathroom, and taking out the trash. Parents might be happy to know that boys are expected to make their beds each morning, so hopefully they bring those habits home with them! The boys get some extra motivation too, because the cleanest cabins from each Line get called first in the ice cream sundae line after lunch!
After tidying their cabin areas, everyone changed into their Sunday white shirts and headed to church service. Falling Creek is a Christian camp, but we are non-denominational and our church service is centered around common values that are important for everyone, no matter your specific faith background. Yesterday’s service continued with the theme of “courage.” Each week of camp has a theme that guides our Evening Embers discussions and our Church program. Courage was this past week’s theme, and during church, we sang songs, enjoyed skits, and talked about what it means to act with courage.
Every Sunday we enjoy a favorite lunch meal of ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, and warm rolls. Though it’s always tasty, after lunch comes the real treat. We get to enjoy ice cream sundaes with plenty of toppings! Campers are called to line up based on their average cabin inspection scores from the past week, with the cleanest cabins getting awarded a front spot in line. We had chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream, plus sprinkles, strawberries, fudge sauce, caramel, and whipped cream on an outside ice cream bar. It is definitely a highlight of the week.
After an extended rest hour to catch up on reading, take a nice nap, or write a few letters home, boys were able to spend the afternoon doing Special Signups. Sunday afternoon is a time when counselors can offer games or activities that they wouldn’t normally teach, and boys can try something different than their regular schedule. It’s a great way for staff to share something they’re passionate about. Counselors announce where they will be for the first or second half of the afternoon, and boys are free to meet them where the activity of their choice is held.
During the first half of the afternoon, Matthew taught the game of Go, George led kickboxing instructions, Croft timed running lake laps, and Whit led a fun hike. For the second half, Mike led Jujutsu instruction, Ford ran a “ford square” tournament, and Felipe taught maintenance lessons at mountain biking. In addition to these, there were a few activities happening during both afternoon blocks: James was teaching photography lessons at the overlook, John Allen led kayaking instruction at the Yak Shak, CJ held games of “touch the fence” at the tennis courts, and the mountain bike staff had trail maintenance.
On Sundays for dinner, we have a cookout where we eat hamburgers picnic-style on the field by the gym. The burgers are grilled outdoors on the huge camp grill, which always smells amazing, and are accompanied by great sides and dessert. A highlight for the campers however, is the weekly Cheerwine soda that they get to drink with dinner! Though we eat family style with our cabins during regular meals in the dining hall, it is always a fun change of pace to enjoy an outdoor picnic.
Sunday evenings always close with Campfire, one of the most beloved times at camp where we all share stories, songs, and laughter around the fire. As the “Call to Quarters” bell rang after Campfire and the all boys were ready for bed in their cabins, the only sounds were the crickets and bullfrogs along the banks. After Campfire we always sing Taps, and this comforting melody is the perfect way to end the day. It’s words ring true as the whole camp prepares for a good night’s rest: All is well, safely rest, God is nigh. Goodnight.