Each session, boys go on an overnight together as a full cabin to get to know each other and bond as a group. The first overnights were on Monday night, right after Main Camp started, and the second group went out Saturday night. This is so we could catch cabins as a full group before anyone left for trips out of camp at the beginning of the session, or over the weekend. On the cabin overnights, boys and their counselors are able to hike out to a spot on property, prepare dinner together there around a campfire, and enjoy the camping experience.
Memories made on the trail while camping are some of the best, and though campers can choose whether or not they leave camp on an adventure trip during the week, we want every boy to be able to experience those bonds that happen on trips with friends. The overnight trip is always a great opportunity for a cabin to grow closer, but it is also a fun way to introduce boys to camping who may be less comfortable with the idea of sleeping outside.
While on the overnight, all the boys from a single cabin work together to help their counselors collect firewood, cook food, and set up the campsite. They also get to play games and share stories and thoughts around the campfire. The addition of primitive shelters around Falling Creek’s woods makes camping even simpler since there is no need to pack a tent. The shelters are all within the 900 acres of camp property, and many boys enjoy the chance to explore beyond the central area of camp.
Younger cabins have hikes to the sites that are closer, taking about 20 minutes to walk. The older cabins tend to go farther out, hiking about 45 minutes and dropping or gaining up to 700’ in elevation. It’s the true meaning of earning your appetite!
On Monday night, some afternoon rain showers cleared out just in time for a beautiful evening, and 20 of the 40 cabins were heading out to enjoy some camping. Berker is at camp for the first time this year, and was excited for his first overnight. “It’s been fun so far,” he said. Zach was also going that night, and said that last year when we did Cabin Adventures instead, he missed having them. He was excited to have the opportunity back this summer. Hudson was one of the boys in Cabin 1 going on a cabin overnight for the first time, and he also couldn’t wait. “I’m excited to hear more bugs and birds outside. It helps me go to sleep fast,” he said.
Zeb works all year to make sure the trails stay clear around camp, and he had spotted something interesting on Monday night. “Whoever is going to Chief’s Lookout will get to find the first ripe blackberries of the season!” By Saturday night, there were even more wild blackberries waiting to be picked by the lucky hikers. Frank is one of the Men of STEEL, and joined Cabin 6 as part of Saturday’s overnights. He said that they went to Hilltop, and that he enjoyed being in a leadership role this year where he could go with a younger buddy cabin to help them have a fun time camping. Overall, the Cabin Overnights seemed to be a success no matter which night boys went. The Honor Council, a peer-elected group of boys who act as the representatives for campers during staff meetings, specifically mentioned how much campers had enjoyed the Cabin Overnights, and how they had been a good time to bond during this first part of the session.
Yesterday was Sunday, where we enjoyed a more relaxed pace throughout the day! First we slept in, enjoyed doughnuts as part of breakfast, and cleaned our cabins. After Church and free choice time, we were treated to lunch and Sunday Sundaes! One of the best parts about Sundays is getting to try new activities in the afternoon during the Special Signup afternoon blocks. Counselors offer activities around camp that boys can choose from, and many get to do things not offered any other time of the week.
Yesterday during the first half of the afternoon, boys could play rugby, read at the overlook, do a canoe/kayak prep at the Yak Shack, learn to play Go, do a mountain bike prep for Ironman, lean kickboxing, play guitar on the grassy knoll, play touch the fence at tennis, learn bike and trail maintenance, play basketball, participate in lake lap time trials, do a disc golf hole-in-1 challenge, or create art in the art room. The second half of the afternoon had some of the same activities offered, with the addition of playing knockout in the Gym, joining the lake party at the swim docks, slacklining, playing “Ford-square” with Ford, playing camper/counselor tennis tournament matches, dodgeball, chess, joining the riflery clinic, practicing Campfire skits, playing commander, and building terrariums. There was a lot to choose from!
Today we’re excited for 4th of July, which is always an epic celebration at camp! We can’t wait to tell you all about it!