Wild Wild West!

Everyone loves weekends, but weekends at camp are especially enjoyed! We take a break from trips and our regularly scheduled activities to enjoy time playing games and enjoying special events all together as a camp community. Yesterday was Saturday, which meant an all-camp-game and tournaments!

To start the day off, we slept in an extra hour to recover from a big week. Yesterday’s all-camp-game was a Falling Creek favorite: Wild Wild West! To play, cabins are split into 4 teams: Cowboys, Outlaws, Raiders, and Marshals. The goal of the game is to get the most points for your team, which can be done by pulling the flag belts of the other teams, finding hidden gold or other valuables, and returning lost equipment found in the woods (like tennis balls, frisbees, etc.)

Lost items are worth 5 points and flag belts are worth 25 points, but you have to bring the belts to the bank or depository, without getting your own belt pulled on the way. If campers did get their belts pulled, they had to hand over all the flag belts they had on them, and any other items of value they were carrying. Anyone who had a flag belt pulled would have to go to jail, but luckily there was a jailbreak every 7 minutes (or you could get out sooner if a friend snuck past the guards to let you out!)

Other hidden items included a missing Pony Express Bag for 400 points, three missing sarsaparilla bottles worth 400 points (except for the rare golden bottle worth 800!), 3 silver nuggets of battlepass treasure worth 400 points, Sitting Bull’s Golden Bow worth 750 points, Wild Bill’s Rifle Stock worth 750 points, and 4 different colored gold mine shovels worth 600-800 points each. Additionally, hidden gold is worth points based on weight, with each pound being worth 500 points!

After a fun morning of Wild Wild West, we enjoyed lunch, rest hour, and tournaments in the afternoon! Yesterday boys could choose to challenge each other to games in football, basketball, pickleball, or disc golf. In the second half of the afternoon, there were tournaments at the Warrior Ball pit and in World Cup soccer.

If boys didn’t want to participate in tournaments during the afternoon, there were plenty of other options! During the first half of the afternoon there was a hide and seek game hosted at the old library, playing sardines at the lower dam, finishing projects at woodworking, or drawing at the art porch. During the second half, boys could play music at Esefel, play “Ford square” with Ford on the 4-square courts, draw at art, or participate in church skit practice.

Also during the second half of the afternoon, we had cabins heading out on their overnights together, who didn’t go at the start of the week. They left a little before dinner, heading out to cook chicken fajitas on camp stoves and eat around the campfire. Back in camp, the cabins not on their overnights participated in Line Night Evening Programs. There were games like Tacocat and dodgeball to end the night on a high note.

This morning we’ll be enjoying a slower paced start to our Sunday, with an hour to sleep in, followed by extra time to clean the cabins and get ready for a new week. More to come soon about what Sundays at camp are like!