Camp Dance with Illahee!

Excitement was high for the dance with Camp Illahee yesterday! The Sorrel and Tsuga lines went to Illahee, while the older Robinia and Betula Lines stayed here at camp to host the older half of the Illahee girls.

Enjoying some dinner before getting the dancing started!

The boys enthusiastically welcomed the girls at FCC and they both enjoyed a picnic supper that included lemon chicken, Mediterranean couscous, rosemary carrots, rolls, & cake with icing. They all moved over to the gym where Matt Sloan led them in a combination of both square dances and modern dance songs.

Siblings and friends were also reunited!

At Camp Illahee, the younger boys were also warmly welcomed and we enjoyed a delicious dinner including fried chicken, mac & cheese, spinach & strawberry salad, fresh fruit, dinner rolls, and chocolate brownie with sprinkles on top. The boys joined the girls down at the gym, and Marcus, the famous local DJ, had everyone enjoying the moves to classic dance songs. After working up a sweat on the dance floor, the surprise popsicle treats were a great way to end the night before we loaded up and headed back to FCC.

Danielle and Jasmine, Yates and Marisa’s two youngest daughters, are campers again at this June session at Illahee. They love their time in “The Heavenly World”, but also enjoyed seeing all the Falling Creek staff when they visited FCC for the dance. It was a beautiful night at both locations.

Gordon Strayhorn (right) as a counselor at Falling Creek in 1983 with Peter Rorvig, both mountaineering staff.

Laurie and Gordon, the directors at Illahee, met as counselors at Falling Creek, and are among the best camp professionals in the business.

We thank Illahee for their warm hospitality and for having their girls dance with our Falling Creek boys!