CreekNite, Wild Wild West, and Cabin Overnights

Saturdays at camp are something special!

Yesterday was the first Saturday of June Camp, and with everyone back on the mountain after trips returned Friday, we were able to spend the day as a whole camp community!

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Basketball team huddle during morning tournaments!

Weekends have a different schedule from a typical weekday at camp, starting with an extra hour of sleep to reset from the busy week. In the morning instead of regular activities, we start with tournaments! Boys can choose their favorite sport to challenge their friends in, tournament style, or can participate in special activities that are offered instead of tournaments.

Saturday’s special activity options were as pictured below:

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In the afternoon following lunch, we play an “all-camp-game,” and this time it was the classic favorite, Wild Wild West!

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To finish the day, the last set of cabins to do their Cabin Overnights headed out to the shelters around camp property to enjoy time camping together as a cabin group.

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The cabins that already did their overnights (1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14 - 21, 24, 26 - 40) took part in CreekNite, an Evening Program based loosely on the popular video game Fortnite!

As described in the game instructions, “The Main Bowl of camp has turned into a massive free for all, with every line competing to see which of their ranks is able to get a Victory Royale (aka: be the last belt-wearing player). The counselors will act as the closing storm, free to pick off any campers that have not managed to stay inside their perimeter as the circle shrinks. (Announcements from the loudspeakers will mark times that the storm is closing.)”

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Each line had their own flag belt color for the game, and were only able to pull the belts of others wearing the same color. Players were released into the “game map” in waves, giving them time to spread out and strategize before the round began. They could form coalitions or alliances, but also had to keep in mind that every Cabin Line would have only one winner!

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The boundaries of the game were marked by the closing “storm” of counselors that would slowly shrink the game map and pull camper’s flag belts as the game went on. The boys enjoyed being able to play the “camp version” of a favorite video game in real life!