This past Saturday had a packed schedule full of Tournaments, Deep Space Battle, and Wrestlemania!
We started the day with an extra hour to sleep in, like we do on all weekend days, to get some extra rest from a busy week. All morning we challenged each other to different tournaments around camp.
Below are the tournaments and activities that boys could choose from on Saturday. There were a variety of choices so boys could be as active or relaxed as they wished.
Saturday afternoons are for All Camp Games! This time it was a new one - Deep Space Battle! The goal of the game was to compete for maximum amount of control time over the three zones scattered around camp (space!). The winner would gain control of the ship’s navigation. Station masters were keeping track of who was in possession of a zone, and for how long.
To capture the zones, teams had to get five players in a zone to transfer ownership to their team. This was hard to do, with the opposing team standing guard and defending the zone’s perimeter! Each team also had two captains, who were worth a valuable “15 minutes of control time” if they were captured by the opposing team.