Highlands & Highlights

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Last night’s Evening Program was the Highland Games!

After dinner, everyone was split into teams, wore plaid headbands to match team colors, donned generous amounts of facepaint, and cheered with their team chants.

There were 6 different challenges during the games:

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  • Mattress Surfing - the whole team sits facing each other with their legs out (like a zipper) and passes four mattresses with riders down the line, over their legs. It was a test to see who would get the mattresses (and riders) down the fastest!
  • Dizzy Bat Spin - a field day classic, five people at a time from each group would run out to the bat, spin around 10 times, and run back to the course to tag the next person. Everyone on the team had to compete and complete the relay to determine who was victorious!
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  • Shovel Pull - for this relay, one person would sit on the scoop part of a shovel, which would be pulled around by their teammates to see who could run the circuit the fastest
  • The Floor is Lava - one at a time, each cabin would work together to carry one of their counselors around the middle cone. Everyone in the cabin had to participate as a team, with each camper keeping a hand on the counselor at all times.
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  • Caber Toss - staff participated in this challenge, throwing the huge wooden pole as far as they could.
  • The Ultimate Challenge! Finally, each team would go line by line into the ring to compete for the last belt standing!
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More highlights from our Thursday:

Horse Swim

You might not know this, but horses are actually very good swimmers! Their huge lungs allow them to float relatively easily in water, and they can “tread” instinctively with a motion similar to trotting. Some of our horses enjoy splashing and swimming in the lake, so on hot summer days, the horses and boys can both enjoy swimming in the Lower Lake!

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In Outdoor Skills, boys practiced their orienteering skills by learning how to navigate with a compass.

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Mountain Biking

This mountain bike group spent the day riding trails in Dupont State Forest. Frank Tindall joined them too!

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It was a beautiful day to be out on the water at Lake Summit yesterday. The boys also got to work on their capsize practice.

It’s a fantastic Friday here - we’re looking forward to welcoming back our multi-day trips from their adventures today too!

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