The Fun Has Begun: 2-Week First Full Day

Playing "Nibbity Bibble" during Morning Assembly

It was a great first full day of 2-Week Camp!

After breakfast, boys headed to their first activities of the session! They also had their first two “free choice periods” of the summer, where they can choose to spend their time doing things like: swimming at the lake, playing foosball, ping pong, cards, or Warrior Ball around the Dining Hall, play tennis or pickleball at the courts, play basketball at the gym, spend time on the turf field, or play in the “Thunder Dungeon” (the enclosed turf field under the gym).

This group went rock climbing at Gilbert's Rock yesterday!

Boys also had the choice of doing “special signups” other than the 6 activities on their regular schedule. With preps going on in all 4 outdoor adventure activities, a rock climbing trip to Gilbert’s Rock, blacksmithing, sailing, fly fishing, and horseback signups, there was a lot to choose from!

Each week of the summer has a different theme, which helps guide Evening Embers, Campfire, and Church discussions. This week’s theme is “Attitude”. This week we’re talking about how “attitude” is a mental and emotional approach to something that can either be positive or negative. Focusing on the good is how you can live with Positive Attitude, one of the parts of the Falling Creek Code.

Cabin Overnights have begun!

Cabin Overnights

The first group of cabins headed out on their Cabin Overnights last night, and just returned this morning before breakfast! Going on an overnight camping trip together is something that all our cabins do, and is a great way to enjoy this beautiful corner of North Carolina. The rest of the cabins will be going on their Overnights later this session too. The boys hike out to a shelter on property, cook dinner, enjoy time around the campfire, get to know each other more, and gain confidence sleeping outdoors.

For those that weren’t going on overnights yet, Evening Program was split up by Cabin Lines! Half of the cabins played games on the turf field, while the other half played multi-ball on the courts.

We’re looking forward to a terrific Tuesday today!