Junior Camp Cabin Overnights

Courage & Cabin Overnights

We often talk about “living with courage” when we talk about the FCC Code, especially for Warrior Spirit. Courage happened to be our daily theme yesterday, but what does it mean to be courageous? In many ways, courage is relative. What may be old news for one camper could be a nerve-wracking new experience for another. Camp is all about giving the space and support for boys to try things that may seem scary to them, and to realize what they can do with a little courage.

Getting ready to head out on Cabin Overnights!

As Nelson Mandela said, “courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Last night, our first group of Cabin Overnights headed out across camp property. This may not seem like a big deal, but sleeping outdoors can require a great deal of courage for boys who have never camped outside before, or who are not so comfortable with the idea of camping in the woods.

Playing flag football during yesterday's activity periods

These overnight camping trips help boys build confidence in their outdoor skills, and learn that the woods don’t have to be a scary place. They can use this experience as a stepping stone for future camping trips, or think back on their success the next time they face something that requires bravery.

Learning to forge an arrowhead in blacksmithing yesterday

Cabin Overnights are something the whole cabin does as a group, in order to get to know each other, bond as a group, and enjoy time immersed in nature. The addition of primitive shelters around Falling Creek’s woods makes camping even simpler since there is no need to pack tents. Boys and their counselors are able to hike out to a spot on property, prepare dinner, talk around the campfire, and enjoy the camping experience together in this beautiful corner of North Carolina.

friends getting ready to climb at the wall yesterday

Last night we had half of camp head out on their trips, and tonight the other half will have the same opportunity. Why do we prioritize this experience for every camper? Yates Pharr says, “It’s a lifelong skill that every boy should know, to be comfortable camping in the woods. The camaraderie of 8 boys and 2 counselors sitting around a fire, enjoying a meal, eating smores, and telling stories - it’s hard to beat,” Yates said. “When you have just the one cabin, you can really hear the boys’ stories and they can get to know each other to bond better in friendships.”

Working together to paddle canoes yesterday on the Lower Lake

Each of our counselors are trained to lead a camping trip during Staff Orientation, even if they aren’t part of adventure staff. “We’ve equipped every counselor during orientation to go on a Cabin Overnight,” says Marisa Pharr. “On Overnights, cabins work as a team, they rely on each other.”

Though there aren’t any overnight trips off-property during Junior Camp, we want every boy to be able to experience those bonds and memories that happen on camping trips with friends. The Cabin Overnight is always a great opportunity for a cabin to grow closer, but it is also a fun way to introduce boys to camping who may be new to it. This morning, the cabins who were out on their overnights last night returned in time for breakfast, plugging right back into their activity routines.

Boys playing on the field last night during Evening Program

What about the other half of the cabin groups? Last night spent the evening playing some fun games in our Cabin Line groups, (which we’ll describe in more detail in tomorrow’s blog), and tonight will be their turn for the Cabin Overnights!

Today is Wednesday, and we’re looking forward to another fun day of games and activities.