Welcome Junior Campers!

We saved the best for last with this final session of the summer - Junior Camp is a fun “sampler plate” of what the summer camp experience is like, and we’re so excited to spend the week together. During Junior Camp, the boys will be moving together as a cabin, experiencing 17 different activities throughout the week, Free Choice periods every day, exciting Evening Programs, and going on a Cabin Overnight. It’s sure to be a great week!

We hope that you all had safe travels back after Opening Day yesterday. The boys woke up today ready to hit the ground running, and this session is already off to a great start! What were some highlights from the rest of the day after you all started heading back home yesterday?

The boys got unpacked and settled in with their cabin mates. Even though we have a few boys returning, most of our Junior Campers are coming to camp for their first time, so there were lots of introductions. For those who arrived earlier in the morning, there were game areas at the Tennis Courts and Landsports Field, but we gathered as a full camp community at Morning Watch for our welcome meeting before lunch.

After lunch, the boys followed a rotation of activities that included fun games, checking in with the medical team, smiling for a cabin photo, learning the process of getting a life jacket to enjoy free swim each day, and visiting the Dining Hall to learn the various procedures and options at mealtime.

The boys then jumped right into enjoying the first period of the 17 activities they look forward to participating in over the session. These daily activity periods include all our camp classics, like horseback, climbing wall, paddling, blacksmithing, archery, riflery, woodshop, football, and more! This was followed by Free Choice time, Afternoon Assembly, and then dinner.

After dinner, the fun wasn’t over yet - We jumped into “Evening Program” to enjoy a big camp-wide water relay. To top off the end of a whirlwind Opening Day, the boys ran to the Dining Hall to enjoy milk & cookies before bed. Afterwards, the boys headed back to their cabins for their bedtime routine and Evening Embers. This is a time to talk as a cabin and check in with each other about how the day went, stories they want to share, or what they are most excited for tomorrow. It was a great first day, and it will only get better from here!

Going forward, you can expect a blog from us every morning, sharing photos and some highlights about the previous day’s events. If you’ve been reading the previous blogs already this summer, you know that the daily blogs won’t necessarily be a recap of the full day, but will instead be a snapshot or brief story of camp life. We also encourage you to check out our daily posts on our Instagram site (@fallingcreek) and on Falling Creek Camp’s facebook page.

Our summer photos can be accessed through your CampInTouch account. Our intention is not to try to be comprehensive and capture a photo of every camper and counselor every day, but to give you a general idea of what is going on at camp.

Online Photos

Daily photos will be uploaded each morning by lunchtime, reflecting photos taken the day before.

When you access the photo system within CampInTouch, you’ll notice the organization of photo albums.You’ll also see a season selector at the top of the screen, which gives you easy access to camp memories from years past.

Swipe or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through an album. Selecting a photo gives you a much larger view of that image, and from there, you can use the gray and white button (next to the yellow shopping cart button) for a menu of options, including downloading the photo to your computer. Use the shopping cart to order physical prints and photo gifts. The “star” icon in the upper left corner of the photo is a quick way to select favorites to save for later viewing, downloading, or ordering.

Campanion App

If you haven’t done so already, you can download the Campanion mobile app from the app store for access to many CampInTouch functions from your phone, including getting fun photo updates right to your phone. Downloads of photos are free using the Campanion App.

We are happy to answer questions or help in any way. We are available via or in the camp office, 828-692-0262. Please leave a message if we do not answer and we will return your call as soon as possible. We will reply to email as quickly as possible as well.

We feel very fortunate that you chose to share your son with us for an exciting week of camp. We hope you have safe travels to and from North Carolina - Friday, August 11th will be here quicker than the boys want it to be, and we are ready to make the most of their time with us!