Getting into the Swing of Things

We're settling into June Camp and the boys are making the most of their time in the North Carolina mountains already!

It was the first full day at Falling Creek and the excitement levels grew as the boys began their camp session! Everyone was ready to embark on this new adventure and see where the day may take them. This first week is all about opportunity and taking that leap of faith.

Morning Watch Story

We started the day off at 7:30 as per the wake up bell, and then proceeded to Morning Watch at 8am. This involves someone at camp sharing a story that usually has a lesson in it. These stories set the tone for the day.

The Morning Watch had our Chaplain Matt Sloan telling us a hilarious story about how when the Betula Line was headed back from campfire in the dark, he had turned his torch on to illuminate the path. Camp counselor, and Line Head, Adonis, laughed and said “Matt, you need a light to get back to the cabins? Can’t you find your way in the dark?” Matt, being a competitive man, turned the light off and started maneuvering his way in the darkness.

Matt explained how this was scary and new for him, not being able to see where he was going. But he conquered his fear and made it to the cabins with no external assistance. He managed to do something, even though he was afraid.

This set the tone for yesterday, as all the boys (both first- timers and returners) were set to challenge themselves and try something new, even if it scared them a little.

Let’s Try New Things!

Yesterday was all about trying new things, even if it makes us scared.

The boys enjoyed a range of activities, including some prep sessions that will aid them in completing adventures throughout the camp session. These included preps for backpacking, paddling, rock climbing, horseback riding, mountain biking, blacksmithing, and fly fishing, to teach campers how to do each activity at a beginner level. Passing the prep stages allows the campers to enjoy and level up in these activities throughout the camp session.

We also had a Swim Skill Classification to ensure they are ready and able to handle activities such as canoeing, kayaking, and sailing. Boys who demonstrate solid swimming skills are classified as “Gold Swimmers” and are ready to participate in sailing and water-related trip activities. Those who need to work on their skills are “Green Swimmers,” but are still able to participate in free swim activities in camp, wearing PFDs. They may re-classify to become a Gold Swimmer as a part of the swimming class.

Outside of prep sessions, boys enjoyed their first full day of the camp program offerings, participating in the six activities they had chosen to build their daily schedule with. The campers were encouraged to try new activities, with many of them doing some for the very first time.

The Outdoor Skills activity was extremely interactive, with many campers finding loads of interesting creatures, including big grasshoppers, water spiders and salamanders. Photographed below are our campers, James D. and Xander M. who caught the big grasshoppers, as well as Gus D. who caught the salamander.

Yummy Food All-Day

For breakfast, we had pancakes with fruit and syrup complemented by yummy sausages. The fruit bar was also open with alternative options that include oatmeal and a range of nuts and seeds, with the choice of granola and yogurt.

At lunch we enjoyed poppy seed chicken served with rice, roasted broccoli and housemade baguettes. The usual alternative beans and rice options were available at the salad bar, along with a range of salad ingredients. The dessert was lovely red velvet cookies with white and dark chocolate chips.

Our dinner consisted of mac ‘n cheese along with ham, and fried okra. We had beans and rice and salad choices at the alternative options table. We were then treated to a lovely delicious homemade apple crumble pie for dessert.

Nugget Nirvana, Green & Gold

For our Evening Program, we went to war! Green against Gold! Campers and counselors had an absolute blast playing this awesome game. Everybody had a coloured belt:, red and yellow for the Gold team, and green and blue for the Green team. The multi-colored belts within teams ensured campers of similar ages would be pulling each other’s flags, so that it was a more level playing field.

The basic goal of Nugget Nirvana was to find more pieces of treasure (or golden nuggets) for your kingdom than the other team. This allowed your kingdom (either Golddom or Greendom) to gain more material wealth and get one step closer to taking over Falling Creek and entering the property-owning class. There were also coloured eggs hidden all around camp to find and return to your home base. Both hidden eggs and flag belts were worth 3 points each. The aim of the game was to grab as many of your opponents belts as possible, while also looking for these special eggs!

It was a close game, and a tough war! But in the end, Gold was victorious, as someone had found a special egg worth 100 points!

Milk and Cookies & Evening Embers

Following that impeccable battle against Gold and Green, the boys were able to enjoy some milk and cookies before returning to their cabins. They then continued with their evening routine where they shower, brush teeth and get ready for Evening Embers. This provides them an opportunity to calm down and reflect on their wonderful day of conquering their fears and overcoming any challenges they may have had. They can talk about what they have accomplished already as well as what they would like to accomplish over the next few weeks.

Overall, it was an excellent day for trying new things and facing our fears.