A Camper Day to Day

What does a typical weekday in a Falling Creek camper’s life look like?

A typical weekday in a Falling Creek camper’s life is filled with adventure, camaraderie, and growth. From the early morning campers engage in a variety of activities that help improve their skills, build friendships, and create lasting memories.

Morning Watch

Before breakfast, we all meet up at Morning Watch.

This is an opportunity to sit in silence, listen to nature and reflect while we wait for the speaker to share a story. We had our very own Matt Sloan speak to all of us about this week’s theme, Strength. He shared a story about a time in his life where he showed strength, particularly, the strength to get back up and try again.

Matt told us about a time when he was young how he was afraid to fall while water skiing because his siblings in the boat were watching and would often laugh at him. Later on, he then went skiing with a friend of his, who was much better than he was, and he noticed that when his friend would try cool tricks and fall, nobody would laugh at him. This concept gave Matt the courage to try cool things, even if it meant falling down. Trying made him stronger, and Falling Creek is a great place to try something new.

Morning Assembly

“Good Morning Falling Creek!” “It’s that time to get that blood, pumping baby, pumping baby, TIK TIK BOOM! Now give me two claps and a Rick Flair”…clap, clap, Wooo!

Every morning, we have our Morning Assembly, which is a great way to connect with the campers, build excitement, and inform the community about the day’s activities.

We hear announcements, sing songs, play games and often watch an entertaining skit.

One of the best parts about Morning Assembly is getting to hear our daily Dad Joke from our very own Frank Tindall, “What do you call it when a snowman is having a temper tantrum?”… “A meltdown!”

Activity Breakouts

We spend most of our weekdays in activity breakouts (or on special sign-ups/trips which we will feature later in the session.)

Activities are broken up into 6 periods throughout the day, where boys are able to choose what they would like to participate in. From sports such as soccer, basketball, archery, horseback riding, or fishing all the way to crafts such as pottery, woodworking and blacksmithing (must be 10 years old in order to participate in some of the more demanidng activties.)

The boys have the opportunity to do whichever activity they choose as well as the opportunity to change their schedule during the second free choice period each weekday afternoon should they get interested in another activity.

If they decide to sign up for a special activity/trip, they simply miss those regular six activities that happen to be at that same time so they can enjoy that special sign-up/trip.

Evening Program

Each evening, the boys will get to play, an experience we call “EP” (evening program). Monday night after supper, the Perry Weather, our trusted lightning detection system went off, and we enjoyed Line EPs outside of open areas and water

Sorrel played games at the lower level of the Dining Halll. The boys also had the option to hear a wonderful story told by Asher Sloan.

Tsuga had the opportunity to enjoy playing Mafia in the Lodge. They each took turns becoming the killer, doctor or the sheriff.

Robinia played games in the upper gym.

Betula played a crowd favorite of dodgeball in the “Thunder Dungeon”(lower gym area). The group was split into two teams and they had a ball trying to get the competition.

Milk and Cookies

To end the day off, the campers go to the handwashing station to wash their hands for Milk and Cookies. Every weekday evening the boys get to enjoy some milk and cookies before going off to their cabins for their bedtime routine including washing up, brushing teeth and participating in evening embers.

The perfect way to end off a great day at Falling Creek.