Importance of Free Choice

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We would like to highlight the importance of having free choice and how this can foster the minds of the boys in many different ways.

Free choice allows the boys to tap into their creativity while developing their problem-solving skills. Unrestricted playtime promotes innovative ideas as well as creates a space to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them.

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Freedom to choose your own camp path can create a space for building independence, as well as confidence.

We have called this structured freedom where the boys have many options to select, choosing to do nothing is not one of them. Free choice allows our boys the space to grow within their chosen activities as well as learn new things.

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Hear from our Campers

When asked about their opportunities at camp, and how they feel about having freedom of choice, the boys gave insightful answers.

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Simon D. in cabin 14 from Los Altos CA explained how the free choice activities are really cool, and he loves that there are a lot of activities to choose from. He enjoys the option of choosing his everyday activities as well as the Free Choice period. During the activity periods, he is able to learn about activities that he loves, which includes fishing, his favorite. Whereas during the free choice period, he is able to hang out with his friends and do his own thing. During free choice he is able to pick up activities that he hasn’t done such as Pickleball.

Nathaniel D., from Cumberland, ME, is in cabin 1 and he thoroughly enjoys the freedom at camp. “You are free to pick what you want and try new things.” He loves fishing because it involves a lot of patience, thus helping him grow.

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Hudson H. is in cabin 10 from Baton Rouge, LA. This is his 2nd year at FCC, although he has been to other camps around the area before. His dad, Benson H. went to Falling Creek, making Hudson a 2nd generation camp goer. Hudson’s grandparents live in the area, about 30 minutes away. “I think it is cool, I have been to other camps and FCC definitely has more freedom.” Hudson is working on becoming a Ranger in archery. The journey to getting far in archery took time, patience and dedication. He loves that you are free to do anything, as long as it is safe and supervised. “There are a lot of options.”

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Granger A. is in cabin 22 from Charlotte NC. He says that it is very nice to choose your own activities and he enjoys the freedom. His favorite part is choosing woodworking as his special sign up activity. “I feel as though I can be responsible with my time and what I want to choose to do.” He emphasized how he gets to navigate what is important to him when it comes to choosing an activity. In the mornings he typically goes for accuracy, this is done by choosing archery, fishing, and riflery. Whereas his afternoon activities have a more creative side as he chooses to work on his crafts, choosing Arts & Crafts and Pottery. In his Free Choice period, he is able to connect with his friends and play Magic, a very popular card game at camp. Or if he feels like it, he simply goes for a stroll around camp.

Grayson V. is in cabin 14, from Metairie, LA. He says he “likes that we have the opportunity to create our own structure.” He also highlighted how they are able to change their minds should they decide to do another activity. “You are not forced to do an activity, if you do not like it.” Grayson also mentioned that he really likes the different options that you can choose from. His favorite activities are swimming and fishing. When he started, Grayson was doing 3 swimming periods in order to train for the upcoming Iron Man competition. He thinks it is really cool that he could set a goal and have his freedom of choice help him reach it.

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