Crafts at Camp

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We have a range of crafts to choose from, including pottery, arts & crafts, blacksmithing, and woodworking. Blacksmithing is the only activity at camp with an age requirement, with boys having to be at least 10 to forge since strict focus is required for safety, and the tools are heavy. The boys enjoy choosing their daily activities and making cool items.

Let’s take a look at all the activities that involve crafting things at camp!

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“In the workshop of the potter, the clay speaks for itself.”

The boys have the opportunity to create beautiful ceramics in our pottery activity. They learn different techniques that also assist them with their progressions.

Projects include:

  • Personalized name tags
  • Mushroom people
  • Pinch pot monsters
  • Coil mugs
  • Thumbprint necklaces

Additionally, there is a community project where all the boys contribute to creating a section of the camp out of clay.

Benjamin D. in cabin 4 is from Raleigh, NC, “I enjoy the accomplishment I feel when a project is completed.”

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Arts & Crafts

Arts & Crafts provides the boys an opportunity to express themselves in a range of different mediums. Whatever you want to create is possible in this activity. Express your creativity with string, paints, pencils or sharpies.

These include:

  • Making friendship bracelets
  • Painting with acrylics
  • Lino Printing
  • Drawing
  • Applying different textures

John P. in cabin 30 from Nashville, Tennessee, “I enjoy using my fingers to create and make new, cool stuff.”

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Woodworking is an ancient craft that connects the boys with a piece of wood, encouraging them to create a useful item.

Our woodworking projects provide the boys with the basic skills needed to create anything that they may desire in the future. It teaches how to measure, cut, shape and assemble the wood into many different forms.

Projects include:

  • Crafting boxes
  • Mallets
  • Spoons

Anna Crabtree, the woodworking leader, says that “there is beauty in this craft that connects boys with the natural world around them, and allows them to flourish as creators. It is an honor to be an educator who offers the gift of wonder as the boys transform trees into art.”

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Blacksmithing, another ancient craft is available to boys 10 years and older. It is a delicate craft that requires dedication, precision and manpower.

The projects we do during 2-week prepare the boys for learning all the fundamentals of blacksmithing. They are able to create fun, functional items that they can take home and share with the family.

Projects include:

  • Arrowheads
  • J-hooks & S-hooks
  • Leaves
  • Candle Holders
  • Barn door holders

David Echeverria, the lead at Blacksmithing, prides himself in being able to help the campers grow in skill as well as in their confidence.

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