Good Days at FCC

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Everyday is a beautiful day at Falling Creek.

Boys get the opportunity to develop themselves in a supportive and engaging environment. They try new things, push their limits, and discover themselves through a variety of activities. Whether it’s the boys mastering the art of rock climbing, learning to navigate the waters while paddling or sailing, or exploring the trails on mountain bikes, each day presents a new adventure.

The boys are provided the opportunity to build their confidence and form lifelong friendships.

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Morning Watch Story

Continuing our theme of Strength, we had Falling Creek camp counselor Birk Orendi share his meaning of the word.

Birk went on to list the many different types of strength. The strength in love as Jay mentioned, the strength in emotions, strength from faith, the obvious physical strength as well your mental strength. Birk expanded on what it means to be mentally strong. He defined it as pushing through a difficult time or test. “Strength in any area is just pushing past the feeling of wanting to give up and coming out better. The difference between winners and losers is mental strength.”

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We went on to compare it to physical strength, similar to how you would increase your physical strength using your muscles, you are also able to increase your mental strength by engaging in tasks that challenge you to push your limits.

Birk concluded with encouragement. He asked that we all try something new when presented the opportunity to grow our mental strength. You will unlock a super power.

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Free Choice Activities

Free choice is a period of time where the boys get to enjoy a bit of free time. Boys are able to relax and enjoy a bit of time where they can decide what activity to do. If they want to walk around and enjoy multiple activities, that is also welcome. We have different options of activities for them to enjoy during this time.

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They can change into their swimsuits and head to the waterfront to experience the crowd favorites: the thrilling blob or zipline, the awesome high dive, and the adventurous water roller coaster and the classic rope swing. For those who prefer land-based activities, campers can work out in the lodge with fellow campers and staff, challenge friends to a strategic game of chess, engage in ping pong or foosball matches, play in the creeks, or relax with a good book from the library.

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There’s something for everyone during free choice, making it a wonderful time to rejuvenate and relax at Falling Creek.

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Evening Program

Man Pac!

Often, our evening program games are Green versus Gold competitions, this is an ongoing battle that happens throughout the session and every game counts.

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As the story goes, Matt Sloan purchased a PACMAN machine to put in the counselor lair and only after a couple of days, a clumsy Ashcroft spilled Cheerwine onto the machine. This phenomenon caused the game to glitch and as a result, all the ghosts got loose to cause havoc around Falling Creek Camp.

It is up to the campers to save the day! Only they can save Falling Creek from the crazy ghosts.

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This fun game includes campers playing as PAC MAN and the counselors as ghosts. The objective is to find orbs around camp and turn them into the grassy knoll. But be on the lookout, there are special orbs laying around that make the ghosts weak. When a camper finds a super orb, the old school classic, Hungry Like the Wolf, will play over the loudspeaker. In this time, campers are able to take counselors’ flag belts which are worth 100 points each.

In the end, the Green Team was victorious, scoring a total of 6,000 points.

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