Insight Into Activities Pt.2

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Morning Watch

Morning Watch is a time of reflection, an opportunity to learn an important lesson or set a new goal. Having people share from their own experiences and encouraging others to adopt new ideas that will help them grow.

Yesterday Ben Farmer spoke about how to honor yourself by keeping yourself accountable. Specifically he spoke on how it is honorable to stay dedicated to your goals. In fact, you almost owe it to your past self to hold yourself accountable to achieving your goals.

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Ben went on to share that in his own experience, he has been great at setting goals, but often lacks the discipline to put the effort into achieving them. He spoke on how he had a goal to get fit and go to the gym this summer, and as the summer is coming to an end, he hasn’t achieved that goal. That is why Ben is urging everyone to stay true to their goals, and push to achieve them. “You owe your past self that.”

If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.’ – Les Brown

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Insight Into Activities

Archery: Have you ever wanted to shoot a bow and arrow? The boys have an opportunity to shoot at targets in our archery activity. But, safety first, before shooting the bow and arrow, the boys go through safety precautions. They learn to not go and achieve their arrows until the command is given by the counselor instructor.

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Climbing Wall: The boys get to learn the basics of rock climbing at the climbing wall. They have an opportunity to climb the wall with a top rope, either on an auto belay or being belayed by a camp counselor. The boys have loads of fun climbing up the wall and learning how to pick their routes and where to place their feet.

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Day Hike: This activity provides the boys with a wonderful opportunity to view more of the camp and explore the parameters as a group. Guided by our adventure staff, the cabins set off on a journey to see the beauty that these mountains offer.

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D-Hall Games: This activity provides the boys the opportunity to work on their cabin sign with their counselors. Cabin signs are a long-lasting tradition where the campers and counselors design a sign that they can put their names on and look back on decades to follow. The boys can also play foosball, ping pong, chess, and warrior ball.

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Fishing: Ready to catch a fish? This activity provides the boys the opportunity to sit or stand around the Upper Lake and try and catch fish. Led by our fishing counselors, the boys get taught how to handle a rod, how to cast, reel in, and handle a fish.

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Paddling: The boys have the wonderful opportunity to paddle around the Lower Lake in this activity. But, safety first, everyone has to wear a PFD (personal floatation device) to ensure that everyone is safe. Once they have gone through the safety instructions, it is time to paddle around the lake.

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Pickleball: If you haven’t heard of pickleball, where have you been? A crowd favorite includes spending some time at our pickleball courts and learning the basics of the game. The cabins split up into teams and enjoy hitting the ball to each other.

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Riflery: Of course, this activity begins with learning the safety precautions, which includes understanding the important verbal commands to shoot the targets in their lane. Then, the boys learn about the gun, we shoot competition air rifles with small pellets aimed at targets that are placed about 10 yards away.

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Cabin Overnights

Ready to enjoy some yummy s’mores by a campfire, we had the second half of camp go on their overnights last night.

Our Cabin Overnights begin with packing during rest hour and then the boys meet up all together at the beginning of 2nd free period and work as a team to divvy out the food, cooking & shared group equipment, and then work together to pack up all this gear. After taking a group photo, they then hike out as a group to their shelter spot on camp property where they will be resting for the night.

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Once they arrive, they set up camp and relax a bit while also collecting wood for the fire they will make after supper to roast the smores. They also work together to cook their delicious chicken fajita and black beans dinner. Overnights provide the boys with the opportunity to learn valuable skills about being outdoors, learning what to do as well as what not to do. This provides them the opportunity to grow together as a group.

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Evening Program

The boys who had already gone on their overnight on Tuesday night got to enjoy Evening Program. This time, we had Sorrel and Tsuga playing dodgeball in the Thunder Dungeon while Robinia and Betula enjoyed playing Taco Cat on the Land Sports Field.

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