Pirate Day!


Get ready to set sail on an adventure like no other because it’s Pirate Day at Falling Creek Camp! Grab your eye patches, your pirate hats, and prepare to unleash your inner buccaneer. So hoist the Jolly Roger, gather your crew, and let the pirate games begin!

X Marks The Spot

This all-camp game was enjoyed separated into cabins.

There were 15 different stations set up all around camp, each station with a quest that needed to be completed. Once you completed the challenge, you were given a map that leads you to the next station.

Challenges such as the human pyramid where your team has to construct themselves into a pyramid. The Hula Hoop challenge where you need to get the hula hoop through each member of the cabin while holding hands.

Fun riddles such as:

  • Riddle 1: What can you catch without using your hands, have, but never throw? A cold.
  • Riddle 2: Take me out and scratch my head, I now am black, but used once was red. What am I? A match.
  • Riddle 3: What word starts with an e, ands with an e, and only contains one letter. Envelope.

Interesting Pirate themed games such as backpack relay, which involved the boys carrying four empty backpacks and running around the cones (this is practice for running away with the loot.) A fun game of 20 questions where the boys needed to guess what the counselor was thinking of by asking specific questions. As well as a fun memory game, that involved saying your name as well as an animal with the same first letter as your name. Then the group has to repeat what was said until everyone has completed the challenge.

The game was extremely fun and each cabin worked hard to complete as many challenges as possible. At the end of the game, the scores were collected. The victory went to the Gold Team!

Free Choice Fun

We enjoyed an extra long free choice on Saturday.

Free choice periods offer an incredible opportunity for campers to explore their interests and try something new every day.These activities empower campers to take charge of their own adventure, encouraging independence and discovery.

Buried Treasure

Buried Treasure is a competitive game that involves each team member having a flag belt. Each color could only pull one other color’s belt.

There were hidden treasures all over camp that earned each team points. The goal of the game is to pull as many belts as possible as well as to find as many treasures as you can, scoring as many points for your team as possible. The Green Team was victorious and won the Buried Treasure Game.