Mary Halsey Maddox

  • My name is Mary Halsey Maddox
  • I’m known as Mary Halsey (at Greystone I’m Dr. Halsey)
  • I’m from Birmingham, AL
  • I’m a pediatrician and sleep doctor turned wellness coach and I work with folks on how to not just survive difficult life circumstances but to thrive!
  • This is my 2nd year on staff at Falling Creek (’24-’25)
  • I’ll be a camp doctor
  • Early bird or night owl? I’m an early bird
  • If I had my own late night talk show, my first guest would be Kate Bowler - she’s my current obsession for all things related to contentment, but David Brooks would be a close second because I think he has a fascinating take on humans.
  • My favorite holiday is Halloween - My mom and grandmother passed down their love for it
  • If I could live anywhere in the world for a year, I would choose Sedona - I went and it just has a different spirit, different air, different vibe. And it is gorgeous!
  • My favorite way to get in some exercise is by hiking or paddling

Want to Work at Falling Creek Too?

Working at camp is the best summer job for college students!

We’ve got outdoor adventure jobs (backpacking, mountain biking, paddling, & rock climbing), lots of sports jobs (basketball, pickleball, soccer, tennis, etc.), classic camp jobs (archery, horseback riding, riflery, fishing & more), plus arts jobs (arts & crafts, blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking…), plus nursing jobs, facilities, paid internships, and more!

Summer Jobs