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Stacy Van Landingham

  • My name is Stacy
  • I’m from Austin, TX
  • I’m a mental health intake nurse and a care manager.
  • This is my first year on staff at Falling Creek
  • I’m a camp nurse
  • Early bird or night owl? I’m a night owl
  • If I had my own late night talk show, my first guest would be Taylor Swift
  • My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving- I love fall and pies.
  • If I could live anywhere in the world for a year, I’d choose Italy- I’d love to see all the beautiful villas and towns and eat delicious Italian food.
  • My favorite way to get in some exercise? I’m a regular at Orange Theory
  • Fun Fact: I have really good luck.
  • I’m most looking forward to learning all about Falling Creek and their staff and campers! Can’t wait!

Want to Work at Falling Creek Too?

Working at camp is the best summer job for college students!

We’ve got outdoor adventure jobs (backpacking, mountain biking, paddling, & rock climbing), lots of sports jobs (basketball, pickleball, soccer, tennis, etc.), classic camp jobs (archery, horseback riding, riflery, fishing & more), plus arts jobs (arts & crafts, blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking…), plus nursing jobs, facilities, paid internships, and more!

Summer Jobs