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Jarrel McRae

  • My name is Jarrel McRae
  • I’m known as Jarrel
  • I’m from Maxton, NC
  • I’m currently working as an Executive Chef, my last assignment was the The Foundry Hotel. I’m currently writing a book to discuss lessons I’ve learned along the way, moral and kitchen tips, and recipes!
  • This is my first year on staff at Falling Creek
  • I’m part of the culinary team
  • Night owl or early bird? I’m at my BEST during the day
  • If I had my own talk show, my first guest would be Viola Davis, I just wanna have dinner with her, and see how the conversation would go.
  • My favorite holiday is Christmas…just a beautiful expression of love and giving
  • If I could live anywhere in the world for a year, I would choose Nigeria, to meet my extended family! Igbo People, I dont know much about it, I desire to know more.
  • My favorite way to get in some exercise is by walking, actully going to the gym
  • Fun Fact: I earned a Schorlarship to go to the Airforce, but never joined.
  • As a college student, I was an Resident Assistant, developing youth was such a passion, being a part of that in any way is awesome. Thank you for this opportunity.

Want to Work at Falling Creek Too?

Working at camp is the best summer job for college students!

We’ve got outdoor adventure jobs (backpacking, mountain biking, paddling, & rock climbing), lots of sports jobs (basketball, pickleball, soccer, tennis, etc.), classic camp jobs (archery, horseback riding, riflery, fishing & more), plus arts jobs (arts & crafts, blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking…), plus nursing jobs, facilities, paid internships, and more!

Summer Jobs