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Nate McCormick

  • My name is Nathan McCormick
  • I’m known as Nate
  • I’m from Columbia, SC
  • I’m currently a freshman at Clemson University, pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • This is my first year on staff at Falling Creek
  • I’m teaching fishing and basketball
  • Early bird or night owl? Probably the biggest night owl you’ve ever met.
  • My favorite holiday is pretty basic, but I love Christmas because I get to see my extended family. My family is pretty awesome, so I love when everyone is around.
  • If I could live anywhere in the world for a year, I would live in Alaska, going halibut fishing every day. I have a passion for fishing, and the nature in Alaska is beautiful to me.
  • I love playing basketball as I’ve grown up playing the sport.
  • I’m looking forward to not only leading the kids that I am counseling, but also growing in who I am as a person.

Want to Work at Falling Creek Too?

Working at camp is the best summer job for college students!

We’ve got outdoor adventure jobs (backpacking, mountain biking, paddling, & rock climbing), lots of sports jobs (basketball, pickleball, soccer, tennis, etc.), classic camp jobs (archery, horseback riding, riflery, fishing & more), plus arts jobs (arts & crafts, blacksmithing, ceramics, woodworking…), plus nursing jobs, facilities, paid internships, and more!

Summer Jobs