Thad Jones

  • My name is William Jones
  • I’m known as Thad
  • I’m from Charlotte, North Carolina
  • This is my 6th summer at Falling Creek (’19, ’21-’25)
  • If I could be friends with any character from a book or movie, I would choose Percy Jackson.
  • When I was growing up, I really wanted to be a paleontologist. Now, I want to be either in private equity or investment banking.
  • I would be happy to eat macaroni and cheese or sushi every day. I love both of these.
  • What fictional place would I like to visit? I would want to visit the treehouse in the 13-Story Treehouse series. I loved those books as a kid, and I feel like that would be awesome to see in person.
  • A successful summer for me would be one where I learned a lot of life lessons. I feel like the STEEL program has the potential for me to be able to learn through experiences and work. It would also include seeing the younger campers having the best possible time they can.