Basketball & Being Together: Morning Watch Mondays

Morning Watch Mondays

Welcome back to our blog series, written by Matt Sloan, Camp’s Chaplain and Shoulder Season Events Director. These “Morning Watch Mondays” will be posted twice a month, inviting a moment of reflection the same way our daily Morning Watch times do during the summer.

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These bi-weekly "Morning Watch Monday" blogs are written by Matt Sloan, pictured here during a Sunday last summer.

I loved basketball when I was growing up. I still do.

I would watch Chicago Bulls games every single night on television. I would watch videos of Jordan, Magic, and Bird to inspire me before heading to the backyard to emulate their moves against my poor younger brother. My Saturdays were spent at the Recreation Center in Columbia, SC, where my parents would endure hours of eardrum-bursting referee whistles echoing off the walls of the gymnasium, questionable coaching decisions, and disgruntled fans. My family would travel with our team to other towns, playing the best they had to offer while experiencing new towns and new cultures together.

Playing basketball at camp in the McGrady Gym

I LOVED basketball, and that love originated in my backyard. My father and my grandfather set up a hoop for us in the backyard one year, and then laid a concrete slab for Christmas later that year. Eventually, they even ran a trench and cable to install a flood light so that we could play late enough to make the neighbors complain! My brother, best friends, and I have logged MANY hours back there competing, arguing, and filming dunk videos using a hidden mini trampoline.

Yet the best times were when we would be back there playing and a light would suddenly come on at the back door of our house. No matter what was happening in the game we would stop and stare at the door hoping that we would see a pair of green Celtics shorts, a Celtics shirt tightly tucked in, and a mid-calf socked man start to walk down the stairs. My dad would come down to the court to play with us, and we were thrilled every time. Whatever game we were playing stopped, and a new one would begin.

A throwback photo from the 1970s at our old basketball court. This game was a match between our campers and nearby Camp Arrowhead.

He couldn’t dribble with the same sort of flare that we thought we had, nor could he explode to the hoop for a layup. Yet he could back you down slowly with an awkward dribble, then sneakily hold the ball between his legs and pretend to shoot to fake us out. We would only recover in time to watch his patented sky hook (ala Kareem Abdul Jabaar) fly overhead toward the goal. He could throw a fake pass with the best of ’em, and even swish an awkward two-handed overhead shot every once in a while. I can’t remember a single score that was kept, but I can remember that we laughed hard pretty much the whole time, and it was rowdy.

There is a freedom and light-heartedness that came from being with my dad in those moments. I suddenly didn’t take myself so seriously, nor was I consumed with how cool I looked to my friends. Dad did not have much to teach us about the game of basketball, but he had plenty to teach us about real life and love by letting us be with him, and him being with us. We got to know the ridiculous, fun, awkward side of him that we didn’t always get to see. More importantly, he showed he wanted to be around us. It was a huge deal, and still is.

Another throwback photo of the old courts - recognize this gazebo? When the new McGrady Gym was built, it was moved up to the Overlook, where it is still enjoyed today.

Did you know that we have a God who delights to be with us, and invites us to be with Him? Just like my dad came down the stairs to the basketball court where we were, God stepped down out of heaven to be born into our world where we are, and His name is Jesus. His whole purpose was to come into our world and live among us so that we can know Him and what He is really like! God did not come into our world just to tell us what we are doing wrong or teach us how to “live better.” No, Jesus was interested in us knowing Him, being with Him.

When Jesus chose the 12 people that would deliver His Good News to the rest of the world, He did something very interesting. In the Bible, Mark 3:13-14 (the book of Mark, chapter 3, verses 13 & 14) says, “Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to Him those He wanted, and they came to Him. He appointed twelve that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach…”

He wanted these twelve people to be the ones to preach about Him, but first they needed to “be WITH Him” so that they could really get to know Him personally. They camped with Him, ate with Him, hiked with Him, and went on boats with Him. Sounds like Jesus and His friends would fit right in at Falling Creek! These guys got to see exactly what God is like, and that He wanted to be around them. He wants to be with you too!

Questions to chew on: What would it be like to spend a day with Jesus? How do you think you would describe Him? How do you think He would describe you?

Thought to sit with: Jesus is not a message about a way to live, He is a relationship you can’t live without!

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8: 38,39