Defeating the Dreaded Homesickness
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Homesickness is not uncommon at camp, but overcoming it can be one of the biggest successes a boy experiences while at camp. Now is the time to prepar...
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Meet the Camp Horses
Sunday, May 3, 2015
We have a total of 22 horses at Falling Creek. All are unique with their own stories and personalities. Let’s meet our horses! Baloo is our oldest ho...
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The Camp Store
Wednesday, Apr 22, 2015
It is opening day and the boys can barely sit still in the car as you trek up the gravel road, winding up Falling Creek’s mountain side. Once at camp,...
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The Truth behind Easter
Wednesday, Apr 1, 2015
Easter is named after the pagan goddess of spring. Creating memories of adventurous egg hunts, the Easter Bunny, dying colorful eggs, fun gift baskets...
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Why Hire a Camp Counselor?
Sunday, Mar 1, 2015
Sure, we tell you all of the time that being a camp counselor is the greatest job in the world! But it goes so much deeper than having the opportunity...
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What to do at FCC: Activities
Tuesday, Feb 24, 2015
Falling Creek has so many activities to choose from. What is unique about our activities versus other camps is how we allow our boys to make their ow...
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Ice Takes Over Camp
Wednesday, Feb 18, 2015
The snow and ice started Monday afternoon and continued throughout the night. After a couple inches of accumulation, which was mostly ice, the storm h...
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