For today’s “Camp Fun At Home” activity, learn how to change a flat tire on your mountain bike! For an extra challenge, try to change it in under 5 mi...
For today’s “Camp Fun At Home” activity, we’re challenging you to start a campfire with just one match! With your parents’ permission, check out these...
Invest in your future! Being a staff member at Falling Creek Camp is more than just a summer job - so how can an internship at camp grow your personal...
Cookies and milk, peanut butter and jelly, summer camp and tie dye: these pairs are just meant to be. Tie dye is one of those stereotypical camp acti...
Jumping into the second week of Main Camp! Imagine that you are a camper at Falling Creek with a fresh new week of activities and trips ahead of you. ...
Last month I did an article about useful knots to know on a campout. Although having a knack for those afore mentioned knots help in countless situati...
Most likely the hikers, and other adventure people of Falling Creek Camp for Boys, all know these knots. They use them in any of their overnights, set...