Each camp session this summer has Theme Day(s) designated for some extra fun! What are the themes for 2023?
Campers have the option to bring clothing items or small “props” to camp with them for Theme Day dress-up if they’d like! It’s not required, so some campers and staff make do with items they find or create at camp.
Following are the designated Theme Days for 2023:
You can read some of our blogs about previous theme days here!
We’ve celebrated Pokemon Day, Camp Christmas, Superhero Day, Medieval Day, Backwards Day, Sports Day, and of course the 4th of July.
While costumes or outfits for summer camp theme days are completely optional, you may want some guidance on packing essentials! Here’s our page on “What To Bring” to camp. See below for the packing lists.
Staff, we’ve written a blog just for you on what to pack for working at summer camp.
The first packing list below is a suggested list for the June and Main sessions. Adjust slightly for the 2- Week session. The second is a separate packing list for the Junior Camp session, followed by a third for Father/Son Weekends. Although not all campers choose to go on extended backpacking trips, campers in all sessions will go on cabin overnight campouts and need to carry a sleeping bag, rain gear, clothes, waterbottle, their share of the group’s food, etc. A daypack or book bag is not large enough or sturdy enough to hold the necessary gear.